  • 學位論文


Consumer behaviors in art films

指導教授 : 徐木蘭
共同指導教授 : 練乃華(Nai-Hwa Lien)


1990年代之後,台灣電影的拍攝方向呈現兩個極端,其一是所謂的商業影片,強烈地受到外片擠壓其生存空間﹔其二則是聚焦海外市場的藝術電影,備受國際間的注目。基於此,本研究欲將藝術電影從所有電影型態當中獨立出來探討,藉由問卷調查的方式,了解藝術電影觀賞者的消費行為。 問卷的內容共分為四大部份,探討主題包括:觀賞者的一般消費行為、觀影動機、選擇影片的評估準則、以及受訪者的個人基本資料。總計有效問卷的數量為192份,經由次數分配表、變異數分析(Analysis of Variance / ANOVA)、主成分分析法(Principal Components Analysis)、逐步迴歸等統計方法進行分析運算運算,獲得以下結論: 1.人口特性描述:整體而言女性觀眾略多於男性,多半屬於年輕的族群、未婚,職業以學生為主,此外,受訪者具有高教育水準的特性,與國外相關文獻結果相符。研究並且發現,除了性別的差異會造成不同的觀影動機之外,人口特性對觀影動機及評估準則並無顯著影響。 2.消費行為描述:受訪者通常是獨自一人觀賞藝術電影,顯然與一般電影的觀賞行為有所差異,參與頻繁的消費者居多,七成的觀賞者都曾主動參與電影的相關活動﹔而最常獲取相關資訊的管道為網路和報紙。就偏好獨自觀賞以及高度參與的特性而言,與國外文獻相符。 3.觀賞動機:研究發現,消費者觀賞藝術電影的理由,主要是基於一種知性的追求與心靈上的滿足,與一般電影觀賞者基於休閒娛樂與放鬆心情的動機有所區別。並且基於不同的觀賞動機,會反應出不同的消費行為。 4.評估準則:觀眾的評估準則前五項主要為影片的視覺效果、詳細的電影簡介、影片本身的獨特性、得獎與參展紀錄、親友的評價與口碑,對影片類型及製作成本並不會特別重視,顯示和一般電影的評估準則不盡相同。


Since 1990s’, the film making direction in Taiwan has separated into two extremely different ways, one is the low-budget commercial film which is strongly constrained by foreign films, and the other is so called art film focusing on global market which wins admiration of the world. According to the separation, this thesis aims at the art film through understanding the consumer behavior of audiences by questionnaires. There are four parts in the questionnaires, including general consuming behaviors, motives, selection criterion, and personal data. The total quantities of received questionnaires are 192. Through frequency distribution, analysis of variance, Factor analysis, we could gather following conclusions: 1.General description: Broadly speaking, females, youths, singles, and students are more likely to be the art film consumers. Besides, most interviewees possess high-level education character and personal background isn’t related to their motives and criterion except sex influences different motives. 2.Consuming behavior description: Interviewees usually watch art films alone apparently different from others. They are frequent moviegoer, willing to join related activities, and grab information from Internet and newspapers. 3.Motives: According to the response of interviewees, most agreeable reason they intend to watch art film is related to mental fulfillment and chasing knowledge. Based on different motives behaves differently. 4.Selection criterion: The top five agreeable selection criteria of them are visual art of cinema, detailed introduction, originality, prize and awards, and appraise.


consumer behavior art film


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