  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 湯明哲


本研究以Michael E. Porter(1985)在競爭優勢一書中所提出之價值鏈分析與交互關係觀點探討集團企業多角化綜效與光碟機事業競爭力之相關性。並藉由韓國與我國集團企業在光碟機產業經營表現之差異,針對未來發展趨勢對我國業者提出經營之建議。 資訊用光碟機產業在低階技術獲取容易且初期資金需求不高下,產業進入障礙甚低,我國光碟機業者切入資訊用光碟機市場發展者眾。歷經十年競爭發展,資訊用光碟機產業已由高度成長進入成熟期,我國業者之表現亦有很大差異,其中相關多角化之集團背景廠商,在光碟機產業之表現較非相關多角化之集團背景廠商與非集團背景廠商為佳。 本研究發現我國集團企業相關多角化跨入光碟機產業後,運用相同品牌、行銷通路、運籌系統與地區市場所產生之交互關係,可掌握穩定客源與銷量,建立量產規模,並積極投入資金擴廠,使得資金需求提升,在其餘業者無法輕易仿效下,進而提升產業過往甚低之進入障礙。 然而相較於韓國大型集團企業在光碟機產業內所建立之優勢,兩者在上游關鍵零組件之垂直整合程度差距最大,也因此影響韓國廠商在高階資訊用光碟機產品之研發與推出時程上有明顯之領先優勢。而韓國廠商在家電市場之經營與佈局亦為雙方轉往消費性電子市場發展差異之主因。 本研究建議面對韓國廠商在光碟機產業之優勢,我國光碟機業者應加強與集團間之整體合作,並以熟悉之代工模式積極轉往消費性電子市場發展,據以逐漸掌握消費性電子市場特性與通路,並進一步在品牌價值的建立上努力。


Based on the model of “Value Chain” and the concept of “mutual relationship” from Porter (1985), we analyze the industry dynamics of Optical Disk Drive (ODD) in Taiwan, especially the group type management. By comparing the performances between Taiwan and Korea ODD companies, we also give our suggestions corresponding to the future trends. The technology of ODD is easy to access and the capital investment needed at the early stage is low. Due to the low entry barriers, many Taiwan manufacturers entered ODD industry during the last decade. Up to now, ODD industry has grown up to be a mature and competitive one. Although the performance of these manufacturers is quite different, we find that manufacturers with relevant diversification have better performance than those without such diversification. Possible reasons for diversified manufacturers’ better performance include sharing the same brands, marketing channels and global distribution systems. The mutual relations help group companies not only keep their customers and stabilize their sales but also gain economies of scale. Group companies then raise capital for further expanding, which makes other companies without group background hard to compete and imitate and also increases entry barriers of ODD industry. The most significant difference between Taiwan and Korean companies is the degree of vertical integration. It gives Korean manufacturers full advantages to perform well in research and development and product launching time, especially for high-end products. Korean companies’ management and arrangement in electrical home appliances markets are also the main reason for their different development and performance in consumer electronic markets. Facing Korean competitors with such advantages, Taiwan ODD manufacturers should cooperate closer with their own group companies. It is better to enter consumer electronic markets by an OEM/ODM model, which is most familiar to them. Handling the channels of consumer electronic markets and developing their own brand value should be the next step.


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