  • 學位論文


Taiwan Air Pollution Emissions Related to Energy Conversions and Uses

指導教授 : 張能復


本研究探討台灣能源供需結構的現況,應用公元2003年相關能源數據進行「能源流(energy flow)」分析。由於台灣使用的能源百分之九十以上依賴進口的化石燃料(fossil fuels),自產能源非常微小,化石燃料的轉換與利用會產生可觀的空氣污染物排放,以及溫室效應氣體、二氧化碳;在這種情況下,如何有效率的使用進口能源,又如何減少污染物的排放量,變成非常重要的研究課題。能源供需是國家生存的戰略議題,過去我國面對這項議題多由「供給面」也就是如何取得充裕能源為主要考量,然而相當程度輕忽了「能源使用效率」以及能源轉化對環境的影響。 工業、交通與住商為台灣的三大類能源需求區塊,使用的能源包括:電力、煤及煤產品、石油及其產品與天然氣。由於內燃機、外燃機與電動機,依據熱工學有其特定的能源轉換效率,又能源又以「功能」與「熱」兩種形式提供終端需求,因此不同的能源配給會影響「總能源需求」以及「污染排放量」。本研究使用能源流分析,由現今需求結構出發,嘗試以不同的配比,瞭解其「省能」的可行性。由於省能即可減少化石燃料的使用量,進而減少空氣污染物與二氧化碳的排放量,所以對台灣目前能源議題是一石兩鳥的解決方案。目前台灣交通部門主要依賴的內燃機(含汽柴油引擎)其熱效率僅25~28%,發電部門的熱效率約為35~40%,這項差別顯示如果將交通部門的能源需求予以「電動化」,即可顯著降低台灣對外部進口能源的依賴,並降低汙染排放。況且將來我國汽力電廠將普遍採用二代超臨界循環熱機(super-critical thermal cycle)電廠時,其熱效率可達45~50%,這項效益會更明顯。由於氮氧化物(NOx)與揮發性有機物(VOCs)為台灣目前臭氧與光化煙霧污染的前驅物質,任何能源重新分配的策略只要能顯著減少上項物質的排放量,都會有效改善目前的空氣品質狀況。 本研究假設三種情境(scenario),以目前的汽柴油車所負擔的交通系統為主體,使其「電動化」,再分析汙染排放量的增減。基本上這種情境,考慮目前以個人交通工具所致的旅運需求量不變,而其所需能源完全由火力發電廠之電力能源來取代。事實上可行的情境為採用「高運量電動載具」(例如電動公車,輕軌捷運與高運量地鐵系統)來取代目前的個人載具旅運需求,或是以「虛擬電廠」(電廠效率提升、其他能源消費部門能源效率提升)為電力來源,則可在無任何新增污染排放的情況下滿足運輸部門之需求。因此實際上能夠節省的外部能源需求量可能更多,而可減少的污染排放會更可觀。 本研究假設所需能源完全由火力發電廠之電力能源來取代,包括燃油、燃煤與燃氣電廠的不同替代情境,此三種情境分述於下: Scenario 1:改變石油流的路徑。令原先進入公路部門(假設汽柴油車整體熱效率為20%)之石油路徑,改為先進入發電部門(假設燃油電廠發電的淨電力轉換效率為36.05%),而後以電力(假設電動車熱效率為65%)的形式進入公路部門。 Scenario 2:公路部門的動力來源改為電力,並且全以燃煤電廠(假設電廠發電的淨電力轉換效率為33.29%)為發電來源。 Scenario 3:公路部門的動力來源改為電力,並且全以燃氣電廠(假設電廠發電的淨電力轉換效率為35.31%)為發電來源。 研究結果顯示運輸部門電動化,不論其電力來源為燃油、燃煤或燃氣電廠,對於NOx、VOCs的排放量有顯著改善效果。以燃油、燃煤與燃氣電廠的不同替代情境的減量效果為(以NOx、VOCs為序)分別如下:(68.7%、99.1%);(71.2%、100.0%);(53.5%、98.8%)。而將公路部門之能源需求改以燃煤電廠之電力為來源,在SOx、CO2之排放方面,將沒有使總排放量改善,反而增加為原汽機車排放量之7.73(SOx)、1.24(CO2,IPCC算法)倍。研究推估2003年台灣地區之終端電力之火力發電廠空氣汙染排放密度(mg/度)為:CO2:744,822∼869,559、SOx:511.9∼549.1、NOx:634.0、PM:63.9、CO:145.6。 本研究最後提出六點空污減量策略之建議:1.以單位車種之年空污排放量的角度出發改善空氣品質。2.考量消費者對於市場走向的刺激。3.我國電力部門之需求增長與規劃發展。4.能源流之角度出發訂定空污法規規範標準。5.廢氣中去除硫氧化物之迷思。6.提升能源使用效率對於CO2減量的潛勢。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the energy of supply and demand under the present conditions in Taiwan and analyze the energy flow applying the energy data in 2003. Since Taiwan is not rich in domestic energy supply, more than 90% of the energy which Taiwan uses relying on importation of fossil fuels, it is clear that the subject of how to make the use of energy more efficiency and reduce the emissions of air pollution is a significant problem in Taiwan. There is no doubt about the supply and demand of energy is the subject of a country’s strategy for sustainable development. In the past our country always focuses on how to obtain abundant energy, this way of supply-side decision-making has neglected the impact of energy conversion and energy efficiency on the environment. Industrial, transportation and residential/commercial sector which use the kinds of energy including electricity, coal and coal by-products, crude oil and its products, and natural gas are three major kinds of energy demand blocks. According to Thermodynamics, internal combustion engine, external combustion engine and electrical engine have their specific energy conversion efficiencies, and also there are two forms of energy, work and heat, offer on end-use demand side. In this way, the different distribution of energy would influence the total energy demand and the emission of pollution. This study employs energy flow analysis, using different energy distribution according to the demand under the present conditions to understand the feasibility of more efficient energy use. The more energy we save, the less fossil fuel we consume, and the less emission of air pollution and CO2. To the energy topic at present of Taiwan, this is a scheme of win-win. The thermal efficiency of internal combustion engine(including Diesel and petrol engine)which the transportation sector in present Taiwan mainly relies on is about 25~28%, while the thermal efficiency of the power generation sector is about 35~40%. This distinction appears that if we change the energy of transportation sector’s demand from petroleum to electricity, we could reduce the reliance of energy on importation and disposal of pollutants. Furthermore, future power generation sector will generally use super-critical thermal cycle plant, its thermal efficiency is up to 45~50%. In this way, the benefit of using the electric vehicle will be more obvious. By the way, nitrogen oxides(NOx)and volatile organic compounds(VOCs)are precursor species of ozone(O3)and photochemical smog pollution in Taiwan. Therefore, if some tactic of energy re-distribution could obviously reduce the emission of pollutants as mentioned above, we could effectively improve the present air quality conditions. This study focuses on present petrol and diesel vehicles’ energy demand, changing to electricity, analyzing the quantity of emission reduction. Basically, those scenarios assume that the travel and transportation demand do not change, replacing original energy demand with electricity powered by thermal plants. The scenarios include oil-fired, coal-fired and gas-fired three substituting energy supply, and each benefits are expressed as followed(Narrate as follows separately in accordance with the order:CO2、NOx、VOCs、SO2):6.7%、68.7%、99.1%、-3833.6%;-23.6%、71.2%、100.0%、-769.3%;30.9%、53.5%、98.8%、100.0%。


4. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Vol. 2, Section 1, 1996.
7. Patterson, M. G., What is Energy Efficiency? Concepts, Indicators and Melhodological Issues, Energy Policy, Vol. 24, No. 5, 1996, pp.377~390.
11. BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2004.
12. OECD-NEA, Uranium 2003:Resource, Production and Demand, 2004.
18. Renewable Energy World January, Vol. 7, 2004.


