  • 學位論文


System Analysis for the Operation and Management of Irrigation Associations

指導教授 : 蘇明道


農田水利會是台灣農業水資源的管理機構,所涉及的業務和資料非常複雜,這些業務和資料存在相互連結的關係,如能釐清資料和業務之間的關係,以及各項業務的相對重要性,將可做為未來推動業務電腦化時之基礎。 本研究以系統分析的方法,首先對水利會本會的管理組、工務組、財產組、總務組、人事室、主計室的業務進行業務調查,並產出業務調查清單。再利用業務的執行頻率、業務量及重要性以決定各項業務之重要性指標,做為系統需求分析的依據。研究中透過結構化分析的概念,以業務功能為導向的方式將水利會會務系統區分成灌溉、工務、財產、總務、人事五個子系統,分別產出環境關連圖、資料流程圖以表達系統與環境的關連及資料流動的狀態,並以資料典輔助文字式的敘述,期望使複雜的水利會業務,以資料流程圖的方式來陳現,作為後續系統開發的依據。 本研究除建立業務指標標外,並考慮資料流程圖中各處理程序間互相之關係建立程序關連指標。程序關連指標主要考慮處理程序之間的連接性,亦同時考慮處理程序的重要性。關連指標越高,表示此處理程序關連性越高,所以在後續系統開發及維護資源的分配上應優先考慮關連指標高的處理程序;反之,則表示此程序關連性低,在系統開發上,可考慮獨立開發,或單獨考慮業務指標即可。


Irrigation associations are the major management organizations of the irrigation water use in Taiwan. The management practices and associate data in the irrigation associations are numerous, manifold, complex and related to each other. The relationship among the data and the process can be revealed and better understood if a clear and holistic view can be present for the whole organization. This paper is to study the irrigation management practices by system analysis approach. The transactions of each of the main subdivisions of the irrigation association were investigated and a list of the transactions with all the related forms and reports was generated. Context diagram, data flow diagram (DFD), and data dictionary were constructed to produce a visualized expression for data flow in the system and relationship among different practices. The frequency, time needed, and relative significance of each practice were collected. The data were standardized and integrated to create an index of .importance for each practice. The complicated relationship among the data and process for irrigation management practices can be recognized through the network-type expression in the data flow diagram. The indices of importance were revised through network analysis on the data flow diagram to take into account the connecting relationships among transactions. This index can be regarded as the importance of the transaction in the system and can be used as a basis for information system implementation schedule or resource allocation in system maintenance later on.


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