  • 學位論文


The Integrate Community Development Information Receiving and Community Participation of Immigrant Brides in the Fishery Villages in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李英周


近年來,社區總體營造的觀念逐漸受到重視,但是漁村社區通常地處偏遠,資訊獲得困難,因此觀念的傳遞和都會區相較來說,慢了一大步,又由於沿近海漁業資源下降,養殖漁業也面臨全球化競爭而景氣不佳,導致願意從事漁業者日漸減少,使得漁村社區人口外流嚴重,成年男性擇偶不易,造成許多社區居民以外籍配偶為婚配對象。根據內政部統計,截至2003年底,台灣地區已有超過三十萬人的外籍和大陸配偶,更有學者研究發現鄉村地區的外籍配偶比例遠高於城市地區。由異國婚姻所引發的生活適應與子女教育等種種問題,實在不容忽視,藉由社區力量關懷外籍配偶家庭,協助其融入台灣社會,應是最具優勢之管道與方式。 社區活動是社區總體營造操作手法的一環,社區活動雖不能與社區總體營造畫上等號,但社區活動能將無形的社區總體營造的概念用付諸行動。因此,本研究想要藉由社區活動資訊獲得狀況以及參與意願這兩項指標,來了解外籍配偶與社區互動情形,並且進一步推測各社區之社區總體營造深化程度。本研究採用問卷面訪的方式,自2004年八月至2005年五月,在苗栗通宵鎮白沙屯社區(農漁村混合型社區)、屏東林邊鄉(魚塭型漁村社區)、小琉球鄉(島嶼型漁村社區)、基隆市中正區社寮里和砂子里(漁港型漁村社區)、台中縣龍井鄉麗水村(農漁村混合型社區)、及桃園縣新屋鄉笨港村(漁港型漁村社區)這幾個不同類型的漁村社區中進行調查。問卷內容分為三部分,第一部份針對外籍和大陸配偶是否曾得知社區活動消息,以及其參與意願高低會受哪些因素影響;第二部分是外籍和大陸配偶家庭勞務的分擔狀況;第三部分則是年齡與國籍等基本資料之調查。結果如下,在所回收的80份問卷中,資訊獲得部份聽過0種社區活動訊息者佔最多41.25%,聽過1種社區活動訊息者佔31.25%,顯示資訊獲得非常不普遍。而參與頻率方面,未曾參與者佔42.5%,很少參與者佔最多49.0%,也得知參與頻率偏低。資訊獲得會受社區別、漁村社區類型、教育程度、家庭勞務分擔時間、子女數等因素影響,而影響參與頻率之因素則包括社區別、漁村社區類型、子女數以及資訊獲得。


In recent years, the public pay much attention to the concept of integrate community development. Most of fishery villages located at countryside, which are not easy to get information. As well as comparing with urban, the transference of this concept is much slower. The degradation of fish stock in coastal and offshore waters of Taiwan caused seriously migration of population. Lots of residents in there adopted the foreign brides to marry. According to the calculation of Administration, the total number of foreign brides in Taiwan was over 300 thousands in 2003. And a study showed the ratio of the immigrant in countries is much higher than cities. Although community activity is not equal to community development, but, Community activity can be thought as a method of community development, which can make this concept practical. In order to understand the willing of participation and the degree of informational transference about integrate community development in fishery villages, and find out what factors do influence them. This study surveyed the foreign brides of some fishery communities since August in 2004. The results were as follows: A total of 80 foreign brides were investigated. The information gotten was usually low and is influenced by different community, the type of fishery village, duration of stay, attitude of familiars, hours of housework per day, number of children, age and education degreed. The frequency of participation was quite unpopular and was influenced by different community, the type of fishery village, attitude of familiars, number of children and age, the information gotten is correlated with the frequency of participation.


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