  • 學位論文


The Research of Future Growth And Customer Equity Drivers in Taiwan Internet Shopping Industry

指導教授 : 黃崇興


論文摘要 從許多研究數據中顯示,2003年起網路購物產業前景大好,仍有很大的成長空間。面對這樣的蓬勃的產業機會,網路購物業者應該如何因應,未來應該如何成長,才能掌握住成長的機會呢? 本研究以客戶、產品輪廓都與眾不同的個案公司為研究對象,探討台灣網路購物產業未來成長方向。本研究根據 Roland T. Rust , Valarie A. Zeithaml, 和Katherine N. Lemon 所提出的客戶價值的三大類驅動因素,即Value Equity, Brand Equity, 及Relationship Equity這三方面來探討這個研究題目。 本研究以問卷調查的方式,試圖了解客戶在網路購物時,對三大類價值驅動因素的重視程度、個案公司在這三大類因素上的表現如何,以及客戶對於適合在網路上購買的產品類別、未來不同擴張方式的看法,來推論個案公司該採何種途徑來成長擴張。問卷的對象為個案公司現行的客戶,而客戶依一年內的購買次數分為三群,購買1次,購買2-4次,及購買5次以上。 問卷調查結果顯示,三大類客戶價值驅動因子中,客戶在網路購物時,最在意的是Value Equity, 即價格、品質及便利性,其次為Brand Equity,最不被重視的是Relationship Equity。而三群購買次數不同的客戶中,購買5次以上的客戶,重視 Value Equity及Relationship Equity當中的「會員禮遇活動」的程度,顯著高於其它兩群客戶。 關於不同成長擴張的方式,客戶最認同的方式,都和低價、產品流行新穎有關,而且三群購買次數不同的客戶,認同的程度無差異。由此可知,個案公司若是往低價、流行等方向去改變,並不會引起現在客戶的不滿。而產品方面,客戶認為適合在網路上購買的類別,則類似一般網路購物者。 客戶對於個案公司的評價,在客觀層面Value Equity的評價,高於主觀方面的Brand Equity方面, 而在客戶關係方面,客戶會來個案公司購物,其電視購物的影響,是最大的因素。另一方面,個案公司的客戶當中,有在其它購物網站購買過的客戶,對於個案公司的評價,不論是在品質、價格、購物便利性、品牌態度、客戶關係維持上,都顯著低於沒有在其它購物網站買過的客戶。 綜合上述結果,可推論個案公司的客戶,和一般的網路購物者類似,都是價格敏感度高的客戶,而且,認為適合在網路上購買的產品,也和一般網路購物者類似,因此,將來的成長擴張上,應該將資源放在改善Value Equity上,即在產品產品的價格、品質、及多樣性上再加強,以讓現行的客戶更滿意。又,現行的客戶的需求,和一般的網路購物者差異不大,所以,往這方面去強化、擴張,不僅可以讓現有客戶滿意,也可以吸引到一般的網路購物者,增加新客戶,故結論建議個案公司往這個路徑去成長擴張。


Thesis Abstract Industry researches indicated that the Internet shopping industry in Taiwan was booming and there was much room for growth. Facing the opportunities, every industry player wanted to grasp it and put much more resources in the business, so the competition grew intense. But, how can these companies do to attract on-line shoppers and sustain their growth? What marketing strategy will work in the industry? This is the purpose of the study. The Customer Equity framework of Roland T. Rust, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Katherine N. Lemon offers great inputs to the research. The research bases on the three customer equity drivers, value equity, brand equity, and relationship equity to explore. Among Taiwan’s Internet shopping mall, there is one special case, nor matter in its customer base or product profile. So, the research adopts the special case as research target and explores the growth strategy in Taiwan Internet shopping industry. The research uses questionnaire survey to identify what customer equity driver influences the purchase decision most, and how the customers evaluate the case company’s performance. Besides, customers’ opinions about proper products to buy online and the feeling about possible expansion ways were also discussed. The questionnaire target is the current customers of the case company and the survey got the following important results. Value Equity is the most important factors to influence customer’s online-purchase decision, the second is brand equity, and the relationship equity is the last one. For high frequency-purchased customers, they significantly concern value equity and the loyalty program more than others. As to the different ways to expansion, customers recognize the ways related lower price, and fashionable products. All highly or low purchased customers, they all agree these methods to expand. And regarding the products categories suitable to buy online, the customers have much in common with the general online shoppers. The customers have better evaluation on case company’s value equity than brand equity. And customer purchase here mainly because of the influence of the case company’s TV channel. Last, the customers who had purchased on other Internet shopping mall have significant lower evaluation on case company’ performance than the customers who had not yet purchased on other Internet shopping mall. Based on the finding above, the case company should put the marketing resources on value equity first. In other words, price, quality, product choices are the most important things to improve. Because the current customers have much in common with the general online shoppers, if the case company expand toward these way, it can not only retain the old customers, but also acquire new customers.


Internet shopping Customer Equity


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