  • 學位論文


3D Information Processor for Structural Experiments

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


一個良好的實驗資訊管理方式,有利於結構實驗結果的保存與再利用,然而,目前實驗資訊的管理方式,多是由實驗研究人員依照個人習慣整理,沒有固定的儲存格式與內容格式,不利實驗資訊的分享與再利用。為了使實驗資訊能更具可讀性與再利用性,目前雖已有資料標準模型(Data Model)的建立,不過資料的編輯與呈現方式仍以文字及二維空間(2D,如:圖片、圖表)為主,但是實際上結構實驗中所產生的部分資訊,如試體幾何及Sensor位置等都牽涉到實際的三維空間(3D)資訊,僅用平面呈現方式無法讓使用者「感受」其實際試體與空間環境的關聯性。因此,如何讓實驗3D資訊在編輯及管理的過程中能讓使用者能「感受」其實際空間關聯性,就是本研究想要解決的問題。 本研究希望提出一套結合3D展示介面,能同時將實驗3D資訊以3D技術呈現,並輔以2D使用者介面編輯之系統,稱為結構實驗3D資訊處理系統(3D Information Processor for Structral Experinments, SEIN3D),結合實驗試體的3D模型,並配合NCREE發展中的標準資料模型,將符合資料模型之實驗資訊匯入系統後,擷取與3D空間相關資訊並呈現在3D展示介面中。SEIN3D以Java程式語言實作,空間資訊則以X3D(eXtensible 3D)格式描述,使用X3D的函式庫Xj3d,透過X3D的SAI(Scene Access Interface)介面操控空間資訊,達到3D資訊編輯與管理的目的;再以XML設計空間資訊與資料標準模型之關聯描述格式,達到實驗資訊與空間資訊結合之效果。


To facilitate reuse and application of structural experiment results, good information management on the results as well as other information related to the experimental project is required. Also, an effective management system usually needs an effective and efficient information editing and visualization interface. Because a structural experiment performs tests on 3D specimen in a 3D space, management of spatial information, such as the size and position of the specimen, and locations of sensors, etc., is inevitable. Due to the fact that 2D text and graphical interfaces are limited in presentation and manipulation of 3D information, this research develops a 3D Information Processor for Structral Experinments(SEIN3D) that takes advantage of the X3D technology, an emerging 3D technology standard for the World Wide Web, to handle spatial information. The processor consists of both 2D and 3D editing interfaces. The 3D interface allows the user to effectively edit and visualize the 3D information in a 3D virtual reality space, while the 2D graphical user interface allows the user to efficiently edit and manage other experiment-related information that are in the formats of texts, photos, and drawings. The communication and interaction between the 2D and 3D interfaces are achieved through the Scene Access Interface (SAI) supported by X3D.


3D x3d Data Model Structural Experiments


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