  • 學位論文


Managing Dynamic Capabilities in Car-Electronics OEMs:A Strategic Analysis on Global Hypercompetitive Mobile Platforms

指導教授 : 邱宏仁


正當數位聚合的風潮席捲人們的生活,電子、數位資訊科技、通訊技術不僅廣泛地應用在各項不同的產品,也漸漸地走入不同的生活空間,而汽車正是數位電子發展下一個重要的領域,車用電子產業就是在這股數位聚合的風潮下萌芽興起。 然而,車用電子產品終究是必須與汽車相結合,所以汽車產業的特性對車用電子產業的發展影響深遠,更增加了不確定性,而目前全球車用電子廠商如何在產業聚合的不確定環境中,達成其市場領導地位,是本研究最主要關注的議題,因此,本研究嘗試透過對汽車產業的分析,以及深入瞭解車用電子產業目前的發展概況,確認影響產業發展的驅動力,以及找出該產業中廠商競爭優勢的來源,並且利用模型化的概念,結合動態能力相關的命題,加入超競爭理論的分析,以期對車用電子廠商給予一些經營發展的建議。總結研究論點彙整如下: 1.產品與製程創新的能力與速度是否具有競爭力,致使廠商取得業界產品領導地位,與廠商致力於培養創新性文化與提升研發強度呈正相關。 2.系統間設計整合能力是否能與供應鏈上下游配合,加速系統整合的速度,以利新產品上市時程縮短,與加強企業間聯盟、建立內外部知識分享平台的能力呈正相關。 3.全球運籌、成本與品質管理能力是否能面對全球超競爭環境的挑戰,並且持續不斷地加強改善,與完善的組織授權機制及提升組織學習能力呈正相關。 4.顧客關係管理所帶來的顧客忠誠度,與廠商能夠瞭解與滿足顧客需求,提供完整的價值導向管理供應活動呈正相關。 5.車用電子廠商動態能力元素中組織學習、知識分享與市場領導地位之間的關係受其快速行動能力的正向影響。 6.車用電子廠商動態能力元素中價值導向管理與市場領導地位之間的關係受其出奇制勝能力的正向影響。 最後,也針對研究分析結果提出了三項平台領導策略:產品平台發展、供應平台管理與商務平台整合。


This research is aimed to analyze the automobile electronics industry.The purpose of the research is to discuss how the global car-electronics OEMs achieve the market leadership in the hypercompetition environment. After analyzing the automobile and automobile electronics industry, the research tries to identify the important factors which may affect the development of the industry and to find the sources of competitive advantages which may affect the performance of the company. And this research tries to combine the sources of competitive advantages with the dynamic capabilities issues to build a research model. Moreover, the model also increases the hypercompetition analysis in order to provide the global car-electronics companies some useful recommendations. In sum, the propositions of this research are summarized as: 1.The capability and speed of product and process innovation have the positive relation with the innovation culture and R&D intensity of the companies. 2.The capability of system integration and design has the positive relation with the internal and external knowledge sharing system. 3.The capability of global logistics and cost/quality management has the positive relation with the organization empowerment/delegation and organization learning. 4.The capability of customer relationship management has the positive relation with the activities of the complete value-based management. 5.The relationship between the elements of dynamic capability which are organization learning and knowledge sharing and market leardership is positively driven by the positioning for speed. 6.The relationship between the element of dynamic capability which is value-based management and market leardership is positively driven by the positioning for surprise. Finally, according to the results this research suggests three platform leadership strategies: product platform development, supply platform management and e-commerce platform integration.


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