  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 曹承礎


「資訊委外」(IT Outsourcing)自從1989年美國柯達公司將資訊系統及作業大規模委外給資訊公司開始,就進入了一個新的里程碑。接著花旗銀行、新加坡發展銀行、摩根大通銀行以及荷蘭銀行都先後將大部份的資訊系統和作業委外,全球化的金融機構藉由「資訊委外」以降低成本並提升競爭力。「資訊廠商」所扮演的角色也演變成了「策略性夥伴」。亞太區及大中華區的委外市場總值預測近來逐年升高,然而因國內銀行仍處於起步階段,如何考量「資訊委外」這個議題,確實是一個策略性的決定。 本研究首先參考相關文獻並彙整分析國外多個銀行金融機構之案例,探討出決策過程中之考量因素及決策構面;另一方面藉由國內第一家銀行「資訊委外」之案例,對決策過程作詳細的分析,並比較國內外兩者間之不同。研究結果發現兩者決策考量因素之相對重要性有所不同,以前五項考量因素來看,國內銀行有「平順移轉資訊人員」因素,卻無「配合業務快速成長」因素。 前者考量因素也許歸因於東方社會的傳統文化,企業就像大家庭,對待員工如同對待家人,不輕易裁員,也不希望企業因此有不好的形象。本研究建議企業一旦策略訂定宣布資訊委外的同時,高階主管及人事主管要和資訊夥伴,共同努力達成共識,資訊夥伴的高階及人事主管也要同時進行員工的雙向溝通。取得三方的互信,讓移轉階段順利進行。 至於缺少「配合業務快速成長」之考量因素,推估原因是當國內銀行企業碰到競爭環境而業務下滑時,為想要節省成本才考量資訊委外的方式,只求能馬上看到財務效益以便能存活下去,並沒有考慮到業務轉型的契機。本研究建議銀行企業可參照國際一流金融機構之營運模式所歸納出金融機構業務模式之最佳典範,和既有的業務模式比對,找出差距較大的部份,據以考量銀行企業可以發展的業務方向,而相關資訊系統的配合建置或轉型,就會值得投資,銀行企業也可藉此轉型成功,提高競爭力。


Since 1989, Kodak Company in US started to outsource its IT systems and processes largely to a IT company, IT outsourcing moved to a new milestone. After the first case, Citibank, The Development Bank of Singapore, J.P. Morgan Chase bank, and ABN.AMRO bank one after another did the same actions globally trying to reduce the cost and improve their competitiveness by adapting IT outsourcing. Consequently the IT company shift its role to become as strategic partner. The total market value of IT outsourcing around Asia Pacific Region increases annually in recent year. However, due to at the early stage, how to deal with this subject for the banking companies in Taiwan indeed is a strategic decision. In this study, related literatures and banking company cases from other countries are reviewed to establish consideration factors and decision criteria’s during the strategic decision making process. On the other hand, the decision making process of the first IT outsourcing case of banking company in Taiwan is analyzed. The difference among Taiwan case and other country cases is also studied. The study result shows that the consideration factors for decision making, their relative importance is not same. For instant, banking company case in Taiwan “transferring IT personnel smoothly” is in the top 5 critical factors, that differs to the cases of other countries with “helping business growth rapidly” in the top 5 factors. For Taiwan case, the different critical factor is probably contributed to traditional culture of the Eastern society that enterprise is more like a big family and employee is a group member of the family where to unemployed anyone is not commonly accepted. This study suggests that once the IT outsourcing strategic decision is made, a consensus for CEO, personnel manager, and IT employees should be achieved. All the effort and target should be insistent. With high confidence to each other of the three parties, the transition stage will move in smooth condition. For lacking “helping business growth rapidly” in top 5 critical factors of the Taiwan case, the study refers to reason that only in business decrease condition the enterprise will seek for the IT outsourcing for cutting operation cost to survive. Normally, they will not look for IT outsourcing because of enterprise transformation that will help business growth rapidly. This study suggests that by employing worldwide best practice Component Based Model (CBM) of banking to compare with existing banking business model, the difference between this two models will be focused that the business direct is able to be developed. Thereafter IT new system or transformation will be worthy to invest that could push banking enterprise to transform successfully and improve their competitive ability.


[1] 謝清佳、吳宗璠,「資訊管理」理論與實務,智勝文化事業,五版
[2] 張世超,「資訊委外策略動態三維模式之研究」-以台灣半導體產業為例,2002年6月
[3] 翁崇雄,台大EMBA課堂上教授「資訊科技與競爭策略」 ,2005年12月
[5] IBM公司簡報及參考資料


