  • 學位論文


Zhi-biao and Zhi-ben — A Health Belief in Illness Attribution and Illness Coping

指導教授 : 丁志音


本研究目的為探索民眾的病痛「治標」與「治本」信念與其內涵,及其與疾病處理方式之間的關連。 本研究採質性量性並用的研究方法,資料來自兩部份,第一部份為對某教學醫院21位門診病人深入訪談之質性研究,將民眾對於此信念的詮釋予以深究與描述,並將其歸納至疾病歸因歷程及疾病因應的兩個層面。第二部份則根據質性研究成果,發展量性研究工具,針對全國18歲以上民眾進行電話訪談,收集資料。最終獲得1057份有效樣本,完訪率93.7%。 研究結果有以下主要發現:(一)常民的治標與治本概念各包含若干特異的詮釋及向度,且富含傳統文化特色。(二)民間所謂「西醫治標,中醫治本」的說法並非共識,每一醫療次體系都存在民眾所認定治標或治本的方式。(三)「本」或最常被提及與「本」相關的「體質」概念,普遍存於一般常民的信念中,對於其自我保健及使用醫藥資源具重要的影響。 以常民觀點的視角呈現一般民眾對於病痛與求醫所存的信念,可深入掌握影響求醫行為或醫療照護服務使用型態的深層因素。


治標 治本 文化 多元求醫


The purpose of this research is to explore lay people’s belief of " zhi-biao " (deal with the symptom of a disease) and " zhi-ben " (cure a disease) and its relevance to the management of illness. This study approaches the above objective by using a mixed methodology of combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative part collected data by conducting in-depth interviewing with 21 patients in a medical center. Their conceptualization of " zhi-biao " and " zhi-ben " were derived, examined, and described, and were further related to illness attribution and illness coping. Based on the findings of the qualitative method, an instrument was developed to collect quantitative data through a nation-wide telephone survey among adults aged 18 years and older. Valid data from 1057 respondents was acquired, which resulted in a response rate of 93.7%. The major findings of the study were: (1) the laypersons’ account of " zhi-biao " and " zhi-ben " included specific dimensions of elucidation and conceptualization, which has close link to traditional health concepts. (2) Consensus did not exist with regard to the renowned notion “Western medicine alleviates symptoms and Chinese medicine cures diseases.” All medicine sub-systems were considered competent in symptoms alleviation and diseases curing. (3) Curing, the concept that pinpoint the underlying causes or basis of a disease, and the related traditional health concept “personal constitution” were commonly held. These concepts were central to health maintenance and use of health care services. To illuminate belief underlie illness etiology and health seeking such as " zhi-biao " and " zhi-ben " from a lay perspective can shed light on understanding the mechanism ad process embedded in the pattern of health seeking behavior.


zhi-biao zhi-ben culture pluralistic health seeking


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