  • 學位論文


Development and Performance Analysis of a Red Fire Ant Pesticide Spreader for Ridge Application

指導教授 : 葉仲基


本研究目的在於控制紅火蟻於田埂上的危害,因此欲以某牌跑道畫線器為雛型,設計出可以有效防治紅火蟻在田埂使用之餌劑撒佈機。此外,並以繪圖模擬軟體(I-DEAS 8.0)繪製此撒佈機之模型,並對此模型進行應力分析,模擬在盛裝紅火蟻餌劑時,此田埂用撒佈機所可能產生的形變。經由分析,其最大形變量為4.34mm。 另一方面,對某牌跑道畫線器與田埂用紅火蟻餌劑撒佈機進行實際餌劑撒佈測試,並將兩者撒佈結果做比較,以證明本文研製之田埂用紅火蟻餌劑撒佈機之撒佈量確實較某牌跑道畫線器更符合需求。實驗結果顯示,田埂用紅火蟻餌劑撒佈機之變動係數(CV)小於某牌跑道畫線器,即田埂用紅火蟻餌劑撒佈機的撒佈均勻性優於某牌跑道畫線器。左右兩出料口的變動係數亦相當接近,顯示兩者撒佈均勻性相差不遠。至於撒佈量過多的問題,相信應能藉由縮小出料口尺寸而獲得改善。


The purpose of this study is to develop a red fire ant pesticide spreader for ridge application to eliminate the damage of red imported fire ant(RIFA) on the bank. Based on a scriber for course, a suitable red fire ant pesticide spreader for ridge application is designed. The model is designed with a computer software-I-DEAS 8.0, which can analyze the stress, strain energy and deformation of the spreader’s model under various loading condition. According to the analysis, the largest deformation of the spreader’s model is 4.34mm. On the other hand, in order to prove that the performance of the red fire ant pesticide spreader for ridge application is better than that of the scriber for course, both of them are tested by some spreading experiments, and the results are compared with each other. The tests reveal that the coefficient of variation(CV) of the red fire ant pesticide spreader for ridge application is smaller than that of the scriber for course, which means that the red fire ant pesticide spreader for ridge application can spread more uniformly than the scriber for course. The coefficient of variations of the exits on parallel are close, which means that the spread quantities of these two exits are close. Reducing the space of exits in advance can solve the problem of over-spreading.


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