  • 學位論文


Socio-economic Development and Mortality in Kaohsiung City and County

指導教授 : 江東亮


目的:探討1965-2004年間,高雄市和高雄縣之38個鄉鎮市區的死亡率變化趨勢,及其與地區社經發展的關係。 研究設計:利用歷年政府出版品之統計資料,於縣市與鄉鎮市區兩層次分別進行橫斷性與縱貫性的分析,並以迴歸模式探討地區社經發展程度對死亡率的影響。 主要結果變項:總死因死亡率。 結果:1965年至2004年間,高雄市與高雄縣之死亡率皆呈現下降的趨勢;高雄市從9.4%o降至5.4%o,高雄縣則由10.2%o降至6.0%o。由於高雄市死亡率下降的速度較快,與高雄縣之差距逐漸擴大。就鄉鎮市區層次而言,高雄縣市各鄉鎮間最高與最低死亡率之比值,亦隨時間擴大。迴歸分析結果指出:整體而言,無論縣市層次或鄉鎮層次的分析,社經發展程度越高,則死亡率越低;就個別發展指標而言,則以15歲以上人口專上教育比例對死亡率的作用最大,且越來越重要。就經濟發展指標的解釋力而言,縣市層次以可支配所得較高,而鄉鎮層次則以低收入比例較高。 結論:高雄縣市的死亡率與其社經發展息息相關。為增進大高雄地區人口的健康、尤其欲弭平城鄉的死亡率差距,均衡區域發展是政府不可忽視的因素。


社經發展 死亡率 高雄市 高雄縣


Objectives― To profile trends in mortality in Kaohsiung City and County during 1965-2004, and to examine how socioeconomic development was associated with mortality in Kaohsiung area. Design― Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses at city/county and township levels. Data were obtained from statistics of local and central governments. Regression was performed to examine the relation between socioeconomic development and mortality. Measure― All-cause mortality Results― Evident reduction in mortality was observed for Kaohsiung area during 1965-2004, with the rates declining from 9.4%o to 5.4.%o in Kaohsiung City and 10.2.%o to 6.0.%o in Kaohsiung County. The decline was faster for Kaohsiung City, resulting in a widening gap in mortality between the City and County. Both city/county and township levels of analysis showed that higher socioeconomic development was associated with lower mortality. Findings from the regression analysis suggested that, among all development indicators under study, the proportion of residents aged 15 and over receiving higher education was the most powerful predictor of lowering mortality, and its association became stronger over time. With respect to economic development indicators, household disposable income was the strongest predictor at city/county level, while the proportion of low-income households at township level. Conclusion― Socioeconomic development is important to the reduction of mortality in both Kaohsiung City and County, and should be taken into account for further action to improve the health of the population, especially to reduce mortality gap within the area.


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李家文(2007)。社經發展與死亡 : 以臺北縣市為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01827
