  • 學位論文

揚聲器產業鏈中供應商價值創新策略 -以M公司為例-

Value Innovation Strategy of Suppliers in Speaker Industry - Case of M Company -

指導教授 : 巫和懋


台灣面臨競爭環境的變遷,為了成本之考量,台灣傳統產業不斷的大量外移,尤其揚聲器產業是屬於勞力密集,相關產業在九O年代中期大量外移至大陸或東南亞,在產業內部廠商難以擁有足夠的資源,而必須仰賴優資的零組件,而企業重要關鍵在於掌握資源基礎的能力,以取得效率及難以模仿之優勢。 本研究嘗試利用個案公司之討論(揚聲器導線是所謂傳統產業),利用深入訪談方法,並用各種產業分析工具以資源基礎為主,SWOT、五力、賽局來作分析,了解其與日系競爭者之競合互動關係,了解其1980-2000年以來之轉變,以明瞭中小企業面對外在環境之變革如何因應,在整個產業鏈西進之時,中小企業隨波逐流是否唯一選項? 除了專注於本業,如何轉變? 價值創新除了產品創新,生產流程創新還包括甚麼? M 公司如何借力使力經由產業供應鏈關係創新,非但不用外移,根留台灣還取代日本競爭廠商居於產業領導地位。 希望藉由本研究探討,可以提供中小企業作策略規範及經營參考。


揚聲器產業 資源基礎 競合


In facing the global competition, many Taiwanese companies especially in the traditional industries have decided to move out of the island, due to cost concern. The labor intensive speaker industry is one of such examples. In the 90s of the last century, many companies in the speaker industry have seen to move to Mainland China or South-East Asia. To control the resources of raw materials becomes the key success factor in achieving competitive advantages in operation, technology and marketing in the speaker industry. This thesis is based on the case study for M company, engaged in manufacturing conductive line within the speakers. The research methodologies include interviews as well as various analyses such as SWOT, Five Forces of Competition as well as Game Theory to investigate the competitiveness in the speaker industry. Four questions are raised, in studying the transformation of this industry between 1980- 2000: First, should moving the companies out of Taiwan be the only choice for small and medium size companies? Second, if not, what is the strategy to maintain the competitiveness? Third, what is the value innovation in the speaker industry? Forth, how to leverage the supply chains to maintain and concrete the leadership in this field? This thesis should provide other small and medium size companies with other choices and paradigms for better performance.


17.Lynn Sharp Paine, “Value Shift” McGraw-Hill Companies Inc (2004)
9.吳燦坤,“零售連鎖通路產業整體競爭研究-供應鏈管理與賽局觀點”,台大國企所碩士論文 (2004)
21.鄭名哲 ,“資訊收集與產業競動態分析-以台灣筆記型電腦代工產業為例“ ,國立台灣大學國際企業研究所碩士論文(2004)
