  • 學位論文


Singapore Government Policies and Strategies on the Biomedical Industries during 2000-2005

指導教授 : 江 炯 聰
共同指導教授 : 李 吉 仁(Ji-Ren Lee)


幾個世紀以來,全球生物醫學的市場都是由美國和歐洲公司所主宰。但自二十世紀後半,由於亞洲新經濟體的崛起,例如臺灣、香港、韓國和新加坡等所謂的亞洲新工業化經濟體(亦即「Asian Newly Industrialized Economies」),提高了這些國家開發強而有力的生物醫學產業的可能性。 在過去五年(2000-2005)間,新加坡的生物醫學產業以每年約10%的成長率持續增長。2005年,生物醫學產業已佔新加坡總製造業的18.3% (約GDP 6%)。政府政策和發展策略是新加坡生物醫學的產業群聚(biomedical clusters)發展的主要驅動力,也是吸引國際生醫產業大廠投資新加坡的主要推動力,這也是本論文的焦點。從新加坡政府政策所延展出來的四個主要核心競爭能力包涵:(1)以信任為基礎的文化;(2)全面性的國家創新策略;(3)聚焦且靈活的國家財政規劃;及(4)區域性的高品質醫療保健品牌。為能詳細了解新加坡政府執行政策和策略的過程,本論文根據活動分析理論(activity based analysis),依發生過的人、事、物等實證及研究報告,以及國家創新策略架構理論(National Innovation System),重組了四個主要核心競爭能力的產生過程。接著,本論文進一步依據Porter的鑽石理論,檢驗新加坡生物醫學產業群聚的持續力,以及描述新加坡如何降低生物醫學產業所帶來的風險。最後,本論文也討論了新加坡生物醫學產業群聚未來所要面對的挑戰,以及它對臺灣開發生物醫學產業群聚的涵義及影響。


The global biomedical market has been traditionally dominated by the US and European companies for centuries. Recent economic advancement of emerging Asian countries in the last half of 20th century, especially Taiwan, Hong-Kong, Korea and Singapore - the Asian newly industrialized economies (ANIEs), has raised the possibility if these countries might be able to develop strong biomedical industries. Singapore has made significant progress in biomedical industries over the past five years (2000-2005) with annual growth rate of more than 10%. Now, the industries account for about 18.3% of total manufacturing output of Singapore (about 6% of GDP). The government policies and the strategies are the dominant driving forces for the development of Singaporean biomedical clusters. Stable policies, strong commitment and speedy execution are primary reasons to attract foreign direct investments and joint ventures. From the Singaporean government policies, four core competitivenesses are built: 1) trust-based civilization, 2) comprehensive national innovation policies, 3) focus and flexible financial programs and 4) regional branding in healthcare. The formation of Singaporean bio-clusters is mapped out by activity-based analysis. The processes of Singapore government in executing its policies and strategies are described based on past facts, academic research data under the theory of national innovation system. Furthermore, Porter’s Diamond Model is used to examine the sustainability of Singaporean bio-clusters. In addition, the approaches taken by Singapore government in reducing the risks associated with expansion of healthcare industries are described. Finally, the future challenges to Singaporean bio-clusters and the implications to Taiwan in developing its biomedical industry are discussed.


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