  • 學位論文


The Future Trend and Growth Strategy for the Branded Animation Industries in China in The Case Of S Corporation

指導教授 : 林永松


早在1997年,英國將文化創意產業 列為國家重要政策後,創意內容產業就成為眾人所關注的焦點,加上資訊科技的蓬勃發展,21世紀成了數位內容產業新經濟的關鍵世紀,以3C產業加上Content的4C產業也成為二十一世紀最重要的產業發展機會。   繼台灣於2002年5月核定通過「加強數位內容產業推動方案」後,並以建構台灣成為「亞太地區數位內容設計、開發與製作中樞」為目標。日本宣佈將2004年定為「寬頻傳輸元年」,中國也於2005年開始全力發展動漫產業與數字內容的相關產業,並於2006年4月25日由國務院正式下發了關於動漫產業發展的具體政策與指示。   由於時值中國動畫品牌產業發展的初期,為了解動畫品牌產業的國際發展脈動及確切落實產業發展目標。本研究綜觀亞、歐、美各州主要主要數位內容產業強國目前發展情況,以各國之數位內容產業政策措施為研究重點,鑽石體系的四個關鍵因素為分析構面,輔以產業價值鏈與市場五力分析,希望從國家整體發展的架構著手,進一步切入動畫品牌產業與市場之競爭態勢,以發現動畫品牌產業未來發展的趨勢並提供經營業者適切的建議。   文中並以某中國動畫品牌企業為個案分析對象,探討分析中國政府在產業政策上之特色及企業發展模型,繼而提出中國動畫品牌產業未來發展之參考意見,分析中國政府在政策上宜如何協助輔導產業轉型、升級及整合,而企業又應如何因應大中華市場的發展機遇,與華文內容文化創意產業的發展機會,以宏觀的國際視野與積極的企圖心面對全球經濟情勢之發展,強化企業的核心能耐與競爭力,進而落實企業永續經營之發展目標,成為大中華動畫品牌產業的領導廠商。


Creative industries has drawn a lot of attention ever since 1997, when the incoming Blair Government of the United Kingdom firstly formed a Creative Industries Taskforce trying to nurture the industry to become an vibrant force of domestic and international business. Moreover, benefited from the hot development of IT, the 21st century now has evolved to a critical era for digital content industry. 3C and Content industries consist of the 4C industries which are the most important opportunities for the industries development in the 21st century. Soon after 2002 when the Taiwan government authorized the Consolidation of Digital Content Industry Development Promotion Plan whose main vision is to construct Taiwan as the gateway for developing the Digital Content and related services such as designing artwork, the Development and Production centers In Asian Pacific area. Japan set 2004 as its first year for broad band and communication development, while China has also started to spare no effort developing its animation industry and digital content related industries. And the state council of China also issues the policies and instruction for the development of the Animation and Comic industries. By and large, the whole digital content industry starts to be quite booming now. At the booming stage of Branded Animation Industry in China, we would like to have more comprehension to the international development and goals about the Branded Animaiton Industries. This study briefly reviewed the current digital content industry profile of several countries in Asia, Europe and America, and further adopted the diamond model , the value chain and five force analysis proposed by Michael E. Porter to specifically focused on the government policy and industry micro-structure, hoping to provide some insightful and detailed suggestions. The study also sets S corporation of the Branded Animation industry in China as a case study objective to analyze the characteristics of the government role and industry development tracks. And wish to provide the ideas and proposals for the future development of Branded Animation Industries in China, Last but not the least, the conclusive part of this study shows some practical suggestions for the industries to realize the goal of sustainable development in international market. And as an enterprise of Animation Industry in China, should develop its core competence and competition strategy to face the fast changing in global economic environment and to reach the goal of being the leading company in Branded Animation Industry in Great China Market.


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