  • 學位論文

我國促進民間參與公共建設制度參考英國Green PPPs之研究

Study on Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects in Taiwan by Referring to the British Green PPPs

指導教授 : 荷世平


為提升公共服務水準、加速社會經濟發展,我國在2000年訂定「促進民間參與公共建設法」。推動迄今,累計投資金額已達2,468億元,平均帶來1.92%的經濟成長率(工程會,2006)。惟隨著地球資源的匱乏與整體環境的惡化,國際普遍關注全球氣候變遷議題、尤以「京都議定書」在2005年正式生效後,對碳排放實施減量管制措施,估計到2020年將使我國GDP從目前每年5.9%成長率降至3.5%(全國能源會議,2002),對我國經濟及社會發展帶來重大衝擊。 面對此一衝擊,各產業無不以提高產業永續發展技術作為促進產業與經濟升級的憑藉,我國亦於2001年提出「永續環境、永續社會、永續經濟」的「永續海島台灣」發展願景,推動有關節能、節水、減廢、防污、再生能源、生質能源等之研發推動,期提供健康、生態的環境,促進工作效率及產業競爭力。促參制度是以引進民間充沛的資金、組織、能力、技術及管理觀念,以帶動社會、經濟的發展,且促參案件簽約年限長達25-30年,在因應納入環境考量以後,對整個生命週期的成本及相關的風險合理分配等原則,如何作周詳的考量,以達成政府所提供的優質公共服務品質,是本研究欲探討的問題。 英國自1970年代起為因應國內財政問題並提升公共建設服務品質,開始推動私人融資提案制度(PFI),其後歷經政黨輪替、政策檢討修正,逐漸形成一套成功結合政府施政目標與民間參與的公私夥伴關係(PFI/PPP)制度,世界各國也在英國的成功經驗引領下,引進推動以促進基礎建設品質的提升。2002年英國政府為達成「京都議定書」所定的減量目標,公佈Green PPPs的指導原則,補充PFI/PPP制度並加強政府部門達成減量目標的對策,本研究將透過該項指導公佈後,已簽約的個案進行探討研析、歸納我國促參制度上可採行的作為、並以深度訪談方法對我國促參制度提出結論及建議,期使參與促參案的人員、團體,對政府所提供的公共服務品質及永續發展上有深度認知及行動,提升我國整體國家競爭力同時亦兼顧環境永續發展。


For the purpose of upgrading the infrastructure service level and expediting the socio-economic development in Taiwan, in 2000 the government promulgated the “Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects”. Since the enactment of the Act, the cumulative amount of related investments has reached NT$ 246.8 billion, contributing an average economic growth of 1.92 % (PCC, 2000). However, with the looming of global resources deficiency and overall environmental degradation, the earth climate change issue has become an internationally widespread concern. Especially since the “Kyoto Protocol” was put into effect in 2005, the carbon emission reduction control measures have been undertaken. It was estimated that such measures would decrease Taiwan’s GDP from current 5.9 % to 3.5 % (National Energy Conference, 2002), which will therefore have great impact on Taiwan’s national economic and social developments. Facing such an impact, various domestic industries have respectively made efforts to enhance their industrial sustainable development technologies as the basis for promotion of the upgrading of industries and economy. In 2001 the Taiwan government announced the vision of development of ‘Sustainable Island Taiwan”; i.e., Sustainable Environment, Society and Economy; and started pushing the researches of energy saving, water-save, pollutant reduction, pollution prevention, energy regeneration and biomass energy. These aim at provision of healthy and ecological environments, and upgrading of work efficiency and enterprise competitiveness. The private participation system, with the concept of utilizing the private sector’s abundant capitals, organizations, capabilities, technologies and management, will lead the social and economic development. Besides, as the contractual periods of infrastructure projects with private participation are usually as long as 25 ~ 30 years; so after taking into account the environmental factors, how to deliberate the overall life cycle costs and the principle of rational shares of concerned risks of the infrastructures in order to realize the good quality of infrastructure service provided by the government, constituted the issues which were investigated and discussed in this study. Since 1970s the British Government, for coping with domestic financial problems as well as upgrading of infrasteucture service quality, initiated the system of PFI (Private Finance Initiative). Then following a series of government power changes between the political parties, and reviews and modifications of the government policies, the PFI/PPP (Public Private Partner) system has been gradually formulated, which successfully combines the government’s administration targets with private participation. And the other country governments, in view of the British Government’s successful experiment of the system, have introduced respectively this system to their own countries to promote the infrastructure quality. In 2002 the British Government, aiming at attainment of the carbon emission reduction target as set forth in the Kyoto Protocol, publicized the guidance principle for the Green PPPs to complement the PFI/PPP system and strengthen the countermeasures taken by concerned departments for achieving target of carbon emission reduction. After publicizing the aforementioned guidance principle, there have been several contracted PPP cases England. This study reviewed, researched and analyzed such cases, and then drew wherefrom the conclusions for reference actions for the private participation system in Taiwan; and also presented conclusions and recommendations on Taiwan’s private participation system after in-depth interviews with relevant people in Taiwan. It is anticipated that the study results may help the people and groups involved in private participation projects to have profound recognition of and take actions for the infrastructure service quality provided and the sustainable development done by the government, so as to raise Taiwan’s overall national competition strength and meanwhile take good care of sustainable environmental development.


PPIP PFI/PPP Green PPPs Sustainable Development


21.Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs , 2006, Procuring the Future , UK。


