  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Weight Management Industry and Case Studies

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


中文摘要 二次世界大戰後短短幾十年的時間,全世界大部份的國家都面臨人民過重與肥胖問題;以美國為例,2000年美國超重人口已到65%,佔美國人口的三分之二。世界衛生組織宣佈全世界2005年已經有10億超重人口。預估到2015年,全世界超重人口會增加到15億。這使得肥胖變成全球夢魘,體重管理需求快速成長,體重管理變成快速成長的產業。 本研究透過透過文獻搜集探討、產業結構分析,產業範疇定義,加上個案研究,分析體重管理產業的總體環境、產業現況、市場區隔,市場產值、消費者特質、未來趨勢,參與者競爭策略及產業關鍵成功因素。並深入分析五家美國上市公司個案,整理出體重管理產業的市場策略意涵,以作為現在從事或未來準備從事體重管理企業者的參考。 本論文第一章導論,探討本研究的動機與目的,研究的方法與流程。第二章為文獻探討,討論體重管理產業的定義,波特的零散產業,五力說與競爭策略,消費者購買決策行為。第三章研究體重管理產業現況分析。從總體環境分析開始,討論人口,社會、經濟、政治與科技對於體重管理產業的影響。接著分析體重管理產業現況包括產業範疇,市場區段,2006產值為587億規模,最大市場區段是減重飲料190億,其次為健身產業163億。扣掉這兩塊市場產值為234億。其中減重營養補充品46億最大,外科手術 44億其次,接下來為食品點心23.7億, 商業課程減重20.2億。從2002-2005瞭解體重管理產品趨勢,整體產業4年成長47.4%,區段中成長最多的肥胖手術173.9%,其次為極低熱量方案;明顯衰退的為直銷產品,商業課程在此四年持平。下去分析消費者市場及購買行為;購買者的特質也加以整理。此章最後討論體重管理產業的趨勢,包括飲料食品業的積極參與、肥胖手術、送餐服務及快速健身。 第四章討論五家在美國上市體重管理公司分別為Weight Watchers International (WTW) 體重管理聚會及產品公司;NutriSystem(NTRI):體重管理調理包食品銷售公司;Herbalife International(HLF),直銷公司,體重管理產品佔其營業額4成以上;eDiets (DIET),體重管理網路公司;iVOW (IVOW.PK ) 肥胖手術顧問及產品公司。依照其公司發展、行銷與市場定位,競爭策略,財務能力與關鍵成敗因素五架構作深入分析以瞭解其經營模式、競爭策略及成功因素。 第五章則從第三、第四兩章的研究歸納出體重管理產業的顧客行為、產業結構與策略十點。由於整個體重管理產業最核心的價值在於「滿足減輕及維持理想體重的需求」;然減重不易,復胖容易;研究顯示,成功減重及維持體重3年者低於5%,而成功與否又與顧客參與度攸關;也就是說,各種產品滿足體重管理需求的能力都有限且受到顧客本身行為影響。高「產品效用不確定性」導致大多數顧客傾向選擇高訊息價值、低風險、低價格的產品,並跟從流行,持續搜尋及替換產品。基於這樣的產業現實,本論文提出十一點策略建議給參與廠商參考。作為體重管理產業的探索性研究,相信本論文對於零散正興起的體重管理產業來說,有拋磚引玉的引導作用。


THESIS ABSTRACT In the past 30-40 years after World War II, the overweight and obesity problems have been soaring so fast to so-called “panepidemic” & “ Globesity” by the WHO. The organization claims the overweight and obese population has been over 1 billion in 2005 and will continue to grow to 1.5 billion in 2015. 67% of the US population is overweight or obesity. In 2006, 180,000 obesity surgeries have been processed with the expense over 4.4billion. The impact of the obese population has not only caused serious burden to the healthcare system to all developed as well as the developing countries, but also has great influence over the industries and consumers. Therefore, the consumers’ demands for the weight loss products and services become more and more prevailing. The market is full of small competitors which enter and exit very frequently. This is typically what Porter called “fragmented industry”. In the thesis, we define the scope of “the weight management industry” composed of “the weight loss industry” and “the weight control industry”, which is much broader than the definition by the traditional standard industry classification and corresponds to the reality of the current industry. The US market in 2006 is approximately $ 58.7 billion USD with 47.4% growth compared to 2002. Fourteen segmentations of the industry can be classified, which are diet drinks, fitness centers, commercial chains, networking sales, medical program, prescription pills, OTC retailing, artificial sweeteners, infomercials, bariatric surgeries, low calorie foods, supplements, replacement meals and food delivery. We analyze the current weight management industry with the strategic groups, customer behaviors and their characteristics for the pursuing the realted products. Besides, we also try to conclude the new trends of this industry. In the case studies part, the thesis analyze five weight management companies publicly traded in the NYSE, which include Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, Herbalife, eDiets and iVOW. These companies cover the group meeting, prepared packed food selling, networking selling, online program and obesity surgery counseling. First we introduce the company profile, then we analyze these companies under the framework of STP (market segmentation, targeting, positioning), 4P( pricing, promotion, placing, products) , Porter 5 powers (competitors, buyers, suppliers, new entrants, and substitutes), strategies, finance and key success factors. The consumers themselves playing a critical role in the product value is a very special feature of the weight management industry. In addition to the poor outcome of the long-term weight loss, consumers pursue signal value much more than the product value. Consumers look for the new ways to lose weight and only will pay the low price to reduce their risks. Therefore, the best way to success for most participating companies is to follow the cost leadership focus strategy. The successful companies always insist on their own brand and core business. They focus on the new customers by advertisement or direct marketing instead of investing the old customers. Besides, they do not over-react to the new fade or new technology. To be a cost leader, they work hard to reach economic scale through rapid franchises, alliances or globalization with simple business model. The conclusion and suggestions which we find in the case studies are summarized and elaborated in chapter 5. We believe this exploring study for the weight management industry will make some contribution for those who are currently worked for the related industries and those who are interested to devote themselves to this career.


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