  • 學位論文


Model and Implementation for Representing Govermental Structures and Officials

指導教授 : 項潔


誰在什麼時候當了什麼官是研究當時歷史的重要資料。我們根據兩本描述清代台灣官職的歷史書籍:台灣地理及歷史卷九官師志第一冊文職表卷九[CR1]與台灣慣習記事[CR2]建立了本實驗系統,這兩本書包括了清代台灣各行政區域以及各官職的起始年代,歷任行政長官,我們希望這個系統能夠幫助使用者(尤指歷史學者)大大的縮短在尋找這方面資料的時間。 不僅僅只是建立參考文獻中所羅列的表格,我們設計專屬於這些資料的資料結構,讓這些資料的運用範圍能更廣範。書中的每一筆資料被我們分成數個tpules儲存,這些tulpes要儘量盡量的「侷限化」(localizaton) 使每個tuples之間不會互相影響,同時也要考量保存各tuples之間的關聯性,能夠回答使用者的各種問題。另一方面,因為參考文獻還是有所缺漏而且新的歷史研究不斷進行,所以能有效率的新增與修改資料的資料結構是絕對需要的。我們也將證明我們的資料結構是足夠精簡(minimal)的,當資料量變大時,不會讓系統不堪負荷。 本系統提供了三種查詢功能,依時間查詢、依官職查詢、依人物查詢。依官職查詢是參考文獻對於資料的排列方法,以官職為條目,列出了歷任任職者。數位資料應用上的方便,讓我們輕易提供了觀察資料的另外兩個面相:依人物查詢與依時間查詢。 依人物查詢提供每個人出仕的履歷,依時間查詢則繪出了某一年代台灣的行政區域與行政長官的樹狀階層圖。系統中在三個查詢結果中,(人、官)都附有連結,更大大縮短了歷史研究者尋找相關資料的時間。


清代 台灣 官職 階層 官職表 族譜 行政組織


Since it is important to learn the certain in-charge person at the certain time for history studying, we set up a program that assists users in getting information about local officials, by using an source book of that of Qing dynasty, the Listing of. 台灣地理及歷史卷九官師志第一冊文職表卷九[CR1] and 台灣慣習記事[CR2]. All the Taiwan administrative offices and the related occupying officials were recorded on the book, along with the specific dates of beginning and ending. Not a table but a data format was built to help users to fully utilize the information from the book. Since not every piece of information from the book is complete or correct, it is obvious that the smaller the tuple is, the easier it is to make local changes, and it is our main concept for the format. The tuples are required, however, to cover a wide range of fields to be connected to response new types of queries. It is proven that our data format is minimal while sufficient. There are currently three types of queries supported by our system: query by office, query by person, and query by year. Query by office, which is the same method the book adopted, chronologically lists the names of officials to a certain office. The remains, however, are the evidence that digital data offers more than the source book does. Query by name gives us every office held by a given name. And query by year brings an organization chart of the whole government for that given year, as well as the officials and offices. By just a click on an office on the chart, we can find out its internal structure, and its related officials with their titles in that given year. In the same way, a query by a person command would made by clicking on a person of the chart.


[ER3] Szu-Pei Chen, Jieh Hsiang1, Hsieh-Chang Tu, “On Building a Full-Text Digital Library of Historical Documents”, National Taiwan university, 2007.
[ER4] Y. W. Arms, C. Blanchi, and E. A. Overly, “An architecture for information in digital libraries”, D-Lib Magazine, February 1997.
[ER5] Hsueh-hua Chen, “The Study of Information Organization for Digital Musseums”, National Taiwan University, 2000.
[CR1] 潘敬尉, “臺灣地理及歷史卷九官師志第一冊文職表 卷九 第一冊.臺灣省文獻委員會”, 1980
[CR2] 臺灣慣習硏究會原著; 臺灣省文獻委員會編譯, “臺灣慣習記事(中譯本) 臺灣省文獻委員會編印”, 1984~1993


孔容偉(2011)。Chinese Recorder Index檢索系統的設計與建置〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.01053

