  • 學位論文


Examining Anti-4th-Nuclear-Power-Plant Movement in Taiwan

指導教授 : 莊錦農


本篇論文主要以綠色政治理論的三大核心概念:「生態中心主義」、「成長限制」、「分權化」為研究途徑,針對五個台灣反核四運動的重要行為者:民進黨、台灣環保聯盟、鹽寮反核自救會、綠色公民行動聯盟與核四公投促進會,重新檢視台灣反核四運動這二十年來的發展歷程。 論文研究方法兼用歷史文件分析法與訪談法兩種,一方面蒐集政府與政黨相關政策文件、公報、新聞簡報、反核團體出版品與活動文宣及反核人士個人著作等等,建立核四案發展與反核運動各項重要大事的發展歷程;另一方面,再經由訪談法,從反核團體核心成員及幹部的訪問中取得罕見於書面資料的行動參與經驗,以及對核四案重大事件發展的觀感,希望能彌補歷史書面資料的不足,以求能對反核運動較為完整的樣貌作一紀錄與分析。 反核四運動在1986年第一次前往台電進行抗議演說到現在,已歷經二十年的時光,而持反核立場的民進黨也已執政將近七年的時間,但是核四工程依舊持續進行,探究其中,可以發現其中幾個主要反核行為者在從事反核行動上都存有一些問題。像是反核的民進黨對核四相關議題的立場搖擺;在反核運動中具有龍頭地位的台灣環保聯盟以政治場域抗爭為主,忽視地方反核力量的培養;至於核四公投促進會,則是以公民投票為最終目的,核四案只是一個公投議題、並不是行動的重點。 不過,對於反核運動的未來仍不必太過悲觀,因為在經歷過核四復工、政治路線失敗後,地方反核人士似乎已經領悟到不能繼續在反核運動中扮演依賴者、被動員者的角色,而亟欲尋求地方反核的自主能量,而這個部份也正是綠色公民行動聯盟主要的行動理念與工作方向。因此,雖然台灣反核運動行動者真正秉持綠色政治理論三大概念不多,但是就目前自救會與綠盟的努力方向看來,台灣反核運動並未走到窮途末路,未來還是充滿希望與機會。


The aim of this thesis is to examine the development and the consequence of 20-years-long anti-4th-nuclear-power-plant movement in Taiwan by analyzing its five important actors with concepts of green political theory. These five actors are Democratic Progress Party, Taiwan Environmental Protection Union, Green Citizen’s Action Alliance, Yan-Liao Fan He Zi Jiu Hui( a local organization against the 4th nuclear power plant) and He Si Gong Tou Cu Jin Hui (a non-governmental organization which asks that the case of the 4th new nuclear power plant should be decided by national referendum). Both documents and interviews were used as sources of data collection in this thesis in order to get a more complete understanding of the movement. Documents included white papers of government or political parties, newspapers and publications of anti-nuclear NGOs and individuals; interviews were 9 one-on-one meetings with 8 people who were leading members or current staffs of those anti-nuclear NGOs mentioned above. Data from the later way could offer some real experience of participation and individual opinions to some events and issues during the development of the case of the 4th nuclear power plant. According to these data, purpose and actions of each actor could be clearly described and also told differences between them. Although anti-4th-nuclear-power-plant movement was oriented from the idea of environmental protection, not all actors are green. Both DPP and He Si Gong Tou Cu Jin Hui concern political issues most. The former regards election prior to the nuclear power plant case even though “nuke free” has been written in its party platform, and the later only cares about promotion of referendum itself. Moreover, Taiwan Environmental Protection Union, the leading NGO in the movement, has always tended to act in political way to achieve its goal. Accordingly, it seems that some actors care more about political issues than about natural environment when they launch the protest activities. However, there are still some hope and opportunities for the anti-nuclear movement in Taiwan as long as Green Citizen’s Action Alliance and Yan-Liao Fan He Zi Jiu Hui can stick on their ideology and the way they act, which are the closest the concepts of green political theory. Although both are facing some difficulties, such as lack of morale and human resources, changing their focus from prior political way to a more fundamental and local basis seems to be a workable way for the movement to regain its strength.




Lin, K. M. (2007). 2000年台灣政黨輪替後社會運動團體之轉型-以台灣環境保護聯盟(TEPU)為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810560393
