  • 學位論文


Gong-Guan�Wing-Raw-Den:The Struggle for Place Identities of Contemporary Cultured Class

指導教授 : 王鴻楷
共同指導教授 : 康旻杰(Min-Jay Kang)


台北市公館一帶自台灣大學設立以來,即享有人文薈萃、學風自由之盛名,伴隨著台灣政經局勢的轉變,九○年代以降,台灣大學週邊更發展為全台NGO組織、獨立書店、咖啡館最為密集之聚集地。新舊雜陳的街景、文化混種的地域性格,遂成為知識份子與文人雅士留連往返、揮墨寄情之地。 文化階層長久以來便對公館、溫州街一帶有著的特殊認同傾向,2004年由空間專業者發起之文化地景行動規劃中,更創造出「溫羅汀」此一嶄新之地方指涉,企圖涵納公共領域、異質空間、反抗基地、現世烏托邦等諸多地方想像於其中,藉此彰顯文化階層地方認同的特殊性。本研究則嘗試問題化此般預設之地方認同,採取批判文化地理學中「地方與社會相互建構」之觀點,透過時間(歷史)、空間(地方)、社會(社群關係)三向度的綜合思考,重新檢視當代文化階層於「公館�溫羅汀」所開展出的層次複雜的身分與地方認同形塑過程。 本論文首先從此地數量豐沛的「地方再現」著手,運用文本分析,杷梳歷史時期中各類社群透過書寫與論述再現地方意象的變異過程,並進一步分析九○年代後「反叛地景」、「西方咖啡社會」等特定地方意象生成的再現政治,解構文化階層中不同的社群如何透過自身慾望的投射,將此地建構為時間上過去與現代並陳、空間中東方與西方交融之地。 研究後半部分,則將視角聚焦於當代於此地活動的行動者及文藝社群,探討其如何透過行動實踐,將公館�溫羅汀建構成社群人際網絡交織的關係性空間,並從中創造地方意義及身分認同的關聯性。此外,本論文亦嘗試區辨身分及地方認同建構的複雜性及必然伴隨的排他面向,更指出地方如何成為文化階層的習癖展演場域。最後則探究將「溫羅汀」視為「多元文化包容之地」此般看似開放、進步之地方想像,其中所隱含的衝突與收編的危機。 文末,本研究將關照此地行動者生命歷程的轉變,了解公館�溫羅汀如何在其追求「另類自我」的旅程中做為儀式性的象徵空間,及其從認同到揚棄地方的過程,藉以探究隨著這些行動者的主體建構計畫流變的地方意義。


Since the development of National Taiwan University in 1928, Gong-Guan, located at the city centre of Taipei, has been regarded as a place with significant cultural disposition and liberal tendency. In the 1990s, the area around National Taiwan University has become a magnate for not-for-profit organizations, independent bookstores and cafes. Such place with charming streetscapes and hybrid cultures has consequently turned into a favorite destination in Taiwan for intellectuals and cultural elites. For a long time, the cultured class has held a special place identity towards Gong Guan. Nevertheless, in 2004, the ‘cultural landscape planning project’ initiated by planning professionals created a new place identification ‘Wing-Raw-Den’ to redefine their own sense of place. It attempts to absorb progressive rhetoric such as ‘public sphere’, ‘heterogeneous space’, ‘resistant site’ and ‘earthly utopia’ to demonstrate their place identity as a whole. As a result, grounded on critical cultural geography, this research tries to problematize such assumed place identity among these groups to discover the multiple layers in the place and identity constructing process with social, spatial and historical aspects. The first part of the thesis initially deals with the plentiful place representations. Through textual analysis, it reviews the varied place meanings defined by different groups through time. Furthermore, it analyses the prevalent place images of ‘resistant site’ and ‘Western-like café society’ by revealing its’ politics of representation. Through such analytical process, it deconstructs how the place is being projected as nostalgia and modern in time and juxtaposed between East and West in space. The latter part of the work focuses on the individual agents and cultural communities who practice their lifestyles in Gong-Guan/Wen-Raw-Den and transformed it to their own relational space. Moreover, this research tries to distinguish the exclusiveness accompany with the identity constructing process, and how the place gradually became a field to perform specific habitus of the cultured class. Subsequently, it poses the problems and risks the prevailing attitude to regard Gong-Guan/Wen-Raw-Den as a multi-cultural and tolerable place may arouse. Finally, I will investigate how the agents’ place identities change with their life process. By examining their acting subject construction projects, we have the chance to comprehend how Gong-Guan/Wen-Raw-Den works as a symbolic place through their journey to pursue an ‘alternative self’, and then being sublated by the agents themselves.


place identity Gong-Guan Wing-Raw-Den cultured class


Benjamin, W. (1969). “The Flaneur,” Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism. Trans. Harry Zohn. London: Verso.
Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction—A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. UK., Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


