  • 學位論文


Modeling for Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and Analysis of Affecting Factors

指導教授 : 林能白


服務業對滿意度及忠誠度的研究相當多,但在醫療業則相對較少。本研究參考國外顧客滿意模式,試圖建構一個適合美容整形手術的「病患滿意度及忠誠度模式」之架構基礎。經由相關文獻的探討之後,提出本研究的病患滿意度及忠誠度假設模式,然後透過問卷調查的方式驗證病患滿意度及忠誠度假設模式是否成立,同時並驗證模式中潛在變項間之相關性是否受病患特質影響。研究的對象則限定於曾在醫院中接受過美容整形手術的病患。 本研究以理論潛在變項設計相關問卷並蒐集樣本資料,以結構方程模式建立理論基礎,再採用多元迴歸模式來建立預測模式,以分析個別服務品質的影響力。本研究發現接受美容整形手術之患者以女性居多、年齡集中在20至50歲之間、有大專以上學歷超過半數、大多是親友介紹來做手術、單身與已婚的各半、年收入多屬於中等收入、職業最多的是服務業,其次是學生。實證結果指出,本研究量表有高信度和效度、觀察資料與衡量模式適配度良好,適合後續研究參考使用。男性患者在患者滿意度總分較低,但未達顯著水準。手術時間離調查時間越久,滿意度越低。患者滿意度受知覺價值、手術結果、照護品質直接影響。患者忠誠度受患者滿意度、知覺價值、醫病溝通直接影響。預測滿意度總分之多元迴歸模式中,「費用結果比」具有最佳的解釋力,其次為「醫師態度」、「外觀改善」、「了解需求」、「流程安排」、「最後效果」、「病人安全」。預測忠誠度總分之多元迴歸模式中,滿意總分具有最佳的解釋力,其次為溝通品質、價值感。本研究以相關結果制定醫療品質改善策略管理方案,最後討論本研究對於實務界與學術界的相關意涵。


Purpose: The pursuit of beauty through aesthetic plastic procedures is a growing trend. However, there is no general database system for collecting data on cosmetic plastic surgery patients, procedures and satisfactory outcomes in Taiwan. A lot of studies on customer satisfaction and loyalty in service industries had been published, but relatively few in healthcare organizations. This study attempts to establish an instrument to measure patient satisfaction and loyalty for patients received aesthetic plastic surgery in Taiwan. Mehtods: Patients who had received aesthetic plastic surgery from 2004 to 2007 in one plastic surgery center (n=992) were included in this study. Questionnaires contained items for various latent variables of hypothetical model had been mailed to these patients and 174 mails had retured. The returned data were not only analyzed with structural equation modeling to confirm the hypothetical model, but also with multiple regression modeling to weight the affecting factors. Results: Patients received aesthetic plastic surgery are mostly female, middle aged, with collage degree, averaged income, and in service business. Our instruments are proved to have high reliability and validity. Male patients have lower satisfaction score, but this result is not significant. Patient satisfaction scores declined over time. Perceived value, curing quality, and caring quality have postive effects on patient satisfaction directly; whereas patient satisfaction, communication, and perceived value have postive effects on patient loyalty directly. Conclusion: Our study is not only helpful in understanding the formation of patient satisfaction and loyalty, but also in creating reasonable strategies for quality management of aesthetic plastic surgery.


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