  • 學位論文


After Chaos, before Enlightenment—Sick Role, Experience and Medicalization of Melancholic in Taiwan

指導教授 : 顏學誠


本文嘗試著以現象學為基礎,透過描述台灣憂鬱症患者的疾病經驗,並且檢視疾病角色在當中所扮演的過程,來探究憂鬱症於當代作為一種疾病,患者所採醫療化的策略來解決生命困境的情形。 我以定錨做為研究切入的重點,觀察患者詮釋疾病經驗的「定錨」處,定錨的兩側同時發生的是醫療化也是醫療疾病經驗。醫療體系如何成為患者自我詮釋的一部份?疾病經驗如何透過醫療符號學系統回饋到醫療體系當中?這些主題是論文當中所關注的。病患經驗透過醫療符號學系統連結了自己與社會,並且讓難以傳達的個人經驗成為具體的敘事主題,並得以進入公共的符號學系統當中與他人交換意義。 本文所採取的寫作核心側重於透過現象學式的描寫,企圖盡可能的表達經驗與世界在個人化的層次上的理解內涵,並希望據此可以回應兩個人類學關懷:如何地讓一群認識另外一群人?以及人活在世界當中,如何面對世界?


The research is based on phenomenology, and is attempted to find what sick role functions in sick experiences of melancholics in Taiwan. It is found that people suffering from depression tend to consider depression as a kind of illness, so that they can figure out some problems in life. the word “anchoring” is used as an metaphor in this research, and indicate the way patients interpret their sick experiences. Medicalization occurred when anchoring is made. It is also discussed in the research how sick experiences feed back the modern medical system through medical semeiotic system. Melancholics in Taiwan connect themselves to society with medical semeiotic system, making personal experience concrete narratives.


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