  • 學位論文


The Reading Climate in Elementary School: A Case study of 1st and 2nd Grade Classes in MuZha Elementary School

指導教授 : 謝寶煖


二十世紀末以來,各國紛紛推出推廣兒童閱讀政策以喚起與相關單位積極推動並養成兒童閱讀習慣,以厚植國家實力,為孩童建立良好閱讀習慣,以達終身學習社會之理想。近年來,兒童閱讀是我國政府、教育單位、圖書館界與其他營利與非營利組織關注並認為需要積極投入各項人力與經費,以喚起國人對於兒童閱讀議題之重視。   有鑑於此,本研究主要探討孩童小學閱讀氛圍之建構,首先蒐羅並分析個案研究對象—木柵國民小學之相關資料,以瞭解臺北市國民小學裡低年級學童所處之學校硬軟體設施與閱讀氛圍;再以訪談法訪談低年級教師,藉以瞭解、收集並整理低年級兒童閱讀行為以及班級導師推動兒童閱讀之狀況。   本研究針對五位受訪者進行訪談,研究結果為小學欲進行兒童閱讀風氣之建構必須由學校、教師以及家長三方面共同進行,其中學校行政單位應積極營造適於閱讀的基礎環境建設,包含校長正視並推動閱讀兒童閱讀、良好之行政支援體系、充足之兒童閱讀教學資源、鼓勵兒童閱讀之環境以及經營家長志工資源。在教師部分,小學教師為校園內建立學生閱讀習慣之落實者,其中教師對於兒童閱讀之態度影響其班級經營與推動兒童閱讀意願,班級書庫以及晨光時間的閱讀經營都是教師可著手推動兒童閱讀的具體方案。在家長方面,家長與家長會應提供其人力與資源支援校園,以成為建構閱讀氛圍之最佳後盾。   文末,根據研究結果,針對政府及教育當局、小學、家長與家長會以及公共圖書館提出建議。其中在給予政府與教育當局之建議方面,政府應持續給予小學資源與人力,以持續建構校園內閱讀風氣;在給小學行政單位與圖書室的建議方面,校方除了建構完善之圖書資訊的基礎設施外,應針對家長與教師有關兒童閱讀之教育訓練,並為學生提供行動圖書服務。在給教師的建議方面,教師應正視兒童閱讀的重要性,在班級經營中落實兒童閱讀習慣之養成,除了參考同道之間閱讀融入教學之教案以活潑教學外,並積極經營與班級家長之關係。在家長方面,應給予孩童更多的關愛並打造閱讀的環境與空間,而家長會應在給予小學更多的人力與資源以建構校園內之閱讀氛圍。而跟兒童閱讀相關之公共圖書館也應提供更多資源與活動,供學童利用圖書資訊與服務。


The governments of foreign countries, such as United States, United Kingdom, and Japan have made the children reading policies to let the authorities concerned to engage in the children reading movement and to cultivate the forces of the nation since the end of twentieth century. Recently, the issues of children reading have been emphasized domestically by government, education authorities, libraries, profit organizations and non-profit organizations. Much money and many resources have been invested in to raise public awareness of the issues of children reading. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate the reading climate in elementary school and it is a case study of 1st and 2nd grade classes in MuZha Elementary School by interviewing 5 teachers of the class in order to gather their strategies and methods when managing the students’ reading habits and behaviors in the classes. Also the students’ behaviors of using the school library from the interviewees’ point of view are included. The study describes the strategies and methods the teachers have done to raise the reading habits of the students. School principals, staff, teachers, and the parents or caregivers of the students have to put their efforts to build up the reading climate of the elementary school. The elementary school authorities have to actively maintain the basic infrastructure and the encouraging environment for the students to read more, such as the active roles of the principal, well-supported administrative systems, abundant reading resources, and a large number of volunteers. As for the teachers, the attitudes toward children reading affect the ways and the wills they manage the reading habits of the students in the class. The collections of the books in the classroom and students reading in the morning are the better ways that the teachers can cultivate the students’ reading habits. As for the parents or the caregivers of the students and school’s parent association, they should provide the human resources, financial support and the resources needed to support the elementary school to build up the reading climate. Finally, the suggestions are described according to the research results for the government and education authorities, the elementary schools, parents and school’s parent association, education authorities and the public libraries.


Delors , J., Mufti, I. A., Amagi, I., Carneiro, R., Chung, F., Geremek, B. et al.(1996). Learning: The treasure within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Paris:United Nations Educational Science, and Cultural Organization. Retrieved May 30, 2006, from http://www.teacherswithoutborders.org/pdf/Delors.pdf
