  • 學位論文


A Study of Foreign Entry Mode Choices of Taiwanese Companies in Europe

指導教授 : 趙義隆


臺灣長期以來對外貿易的依存度相關高,歷年來臺灣廠商對於歐洲市場的投資相較於全球其他區域,只占極低的一個比例。自從西元2004年起,東歐數十個國家加入歐盟組織,歐盟進而發展成為全球最大的單一市場,歐洲市場的重要性不容忽視。本論文針對國內已進入歐洲市場投資之廠商進行研究,主要目的為探討國內廠商在計畫進入歐洲市場時所考量的決策因素,與廠商所選擇的進入模式之間的關連性,最後並討論進入模式的動態變化情形。 透過過去關於海外市場進入模式的相關文獻整理,選定以折衷理論為本論文研究架構的理論基礎,歐洲市場進入模式的選擇可能受到廠商本身、內部知識技術之移轉、以及環境背景因素的影響,再加上產業環境此一變數作進一步的探討,進而觀察隨著外界環境的改變,廠商進入模式選擇的動態變化情形。研究方法為透過各別廠商的深度訪談,配合上次級資料的搜集,而進行個案的分析比較,最後推演出海外市場進入模式之相關命題。 命題推論依照研究架構,分別針對廠商自有優勢變數、交易特殊性變數、環境變數、產業環境變數及進入模式之動態調整,歸納出這些變數與歐洲市場進入模式相關性的四組命題,研究結果大致與研究假說符合,但其中過去國際化經驗、市場競爭狀態、以及建立在特殊合作關係下對廠商獨有知識技術之價值的考量,關連性與預設之假說不符合。未來的研究建議可使用大量問卷調查方式驗證命題的正確性;或探討臺灣若以獨資方式進入歐洲市場時,如何在新設或購併方式之間的作選擇;或針對各別產業建立不同產業在歐洲市場投資時,選擇進入模式之策略考量架構。


Taiwanese companies highly depend on foreign trade. Compared to other regions around the world there is only a small percentage that Taiwanese companies invested in European market. However, since 2004 more than 10 eastern European countries joined the EU, the European Union became the biggest single market in the world. Therefore, Taiwanese companies should more focus on the investment in European market. The purpose of this study is to figure out the interaction between the factors considered by the Taiwanese companies when they planned to enter European market and their entry mode decisions. Also we discussed about how the entry mode changed and what reasons made Taiwanese companies adjust their entry mode in Europe. By applying the eclectic theory to be the framework of this research, the choices of entry mode in European market might be affected by ownership-specific advantage, transaction of internal know-how, and environmental variable. Furthermore, we included industrial specific variable and discuss the pattern that how the entry mode changed affected by all the variables in the long-term viewpoint. This study tried to prove the propositions by doing the case studies through collecting the information from the interview with the managers of the selected Taiwanese firms and also the secondary data. According to the research framework, the propositions are related to entry mode decisions affected by ownership-specific variables, transaction-specific variable, environmental variable, industrial-specific variable, and the adjustment of entry mode. The results of the case studies cohere with most of the propositions. The further research could use questionnaires and statistic methods to prove the propositions, focus on the choice between Greenfield and acquisition when firms decide to enter a market by setting up a wholly own company, or compare the entry mode decisions between different industries.


Entry Mode Eclectic Theory European Market


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