  • 學位論文

Web 2.0 集體協作之實證研究 - 以 Wikipedia 為例

Mass Collaboration of Web 2.0 -- A Case study of Wikipedia

指導教授 : 游張松


2001 年間網路泡沫化的發生,讓網際網路商機的前景受到了不少的質疑。然而,在新的技術、服務逐一出現後,象徵網路新時代以參與、分享、使用者貢獻內容為主軸的 Web 2.0 平台概念讓許多人再度燃起了對網路的熱情。 本研究選擇了 Web 2.0 中一個重要的概念,網路上的「集體協作」(Mass Collaboration)為主題,並以由全球使用者共同撰寫、編輯,開放、自由、免費的多語言線上百科全書 Wikipedia 維基百科作為實證研究的對象。利用個案研究的方式,蒐集了大量國內外的資料加以彙整、分析,從中探討其成立背景、功能、管理運作機制與成長發展概況。再從營運模式、財務會計、行銷策略、競爭概況等面向提出本研究認為 Wikipedia 的線上百科全書計畫能夠成功的關鍵因素包括 : 1. 集體協作模式 2. 便利的 Wiki 介面與低參與門檻 3. 分散式的運作機制 4. NPO 非營利營運 本研究亦從對 Wikipedia 維基百科的實證研究中,找出「集體協作」的優勢及在應用上包括協作主題選擇及資金來源開發等所需要注意的地方,以期能夠作為未來企業或個人發展相關事業及網站的參考。


In 2001, the Internet bubble made many people doubt about the future prospects of Internet business. However, as the new technologies and new services emerged, a concept representing the new era of Internet, Web 2.0, which is based on participation, sharing and user-generated contents (UGC) again gave rise to people’s enthusiasm about Internet. This research chose one of the important concepts under Web 2.0, “Mass Collaboration” on the Internet as the main research topic, and conducted a case study of Wikipedia, which is a free, open and multi-language on-line encyclopedia written and edited by users from all around the world. This research tried to understand Wikipedia’s background, features, operations and growth based on an analysis of a great amount of data. Concluding from its operations, financial analysis, marketing strategies and competitions, this research found out several key factors to Wikipedia’s success: 1. Mass collaboration 2. Wiki interface and low participation barrier 3. Decentralized organizational structure 4. Non-profit organization Also, from the case study of Wikipedia, this research tried to figure out the advantages of mass collaboration and proposed several problems with topic selection and financial sources when developing mass collaboration related websites in the hope to provide helps for companies and individual as their consultation.


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