  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Critical Space Index based on space syntax analysis: The Case of Building Construction

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


空間語法 (Space Syntax)乃由英國倫敦大學Bill Hiller教授研發出來的理論,可用來解釋與分析隱含在建築設計圖面下空間與空間相互之關連性。空間是一種有限資源,不同的工班會在同一空間施作而互相干擾而發生衝突,然而透過空間語法的理論依據,可研判不同作業空間的便捷性與關連性不盡相同,故衝突發生在不同作業空間時所造成生產力下降的情況也不盡相同。本文所探究之要徑空間乃類比於要徑法(CPM)中時間要徑的定義,意味著該要徑空間沒有多餘的緩衝空間,若發生衝突會造成極大之生產力折損。雖然目前相關文獻已指出透過空間語分析之運用可研判出要徑空間,進而減低導致生產力產生極大折損的衝突發生,但文獻中仍缺乏量化基礎與印證。特別是針對空間語法量化因子-相對便捷值(Rn)與相對控制值(Cv),是否適用運用於動態的施工空間分析,仍缺乏實際驗證。 本研究以模糊理論為底,以現地觀察及工程人員的訪談作為輔助,再運用模糊語意,作為問卷設計之基礎。並以北部某大學科技研究大樓新建工程做為本研究問卷調查之案例。透過案例之運算與問卷調查結果之比對,可研判空間語法量化因子是否適用於動態施工空間分析,也可建構出要徑作業空間限制與衝突下生產力折減的曲線與函數,作為生產力折減值的具體參數。以上述為基礎,本研究更發展出要徑空間指數C.S.I(Critical Space Index) ,對研判要徑空間有莫大之助益。


Spaces can be seemed as restricted resources in construction sites when two or more trades constructed in the same area. Thus, conflicts occurred to reduce various productivity losses due to convenience and connectivity of different spaces not exactly identical. The more significant Space syntax parameters for a space were calculated, the much more productivity loss is reduced. Space Syntax is a theory developed by Professor Bill Hiller form London University, and it reveals the hidden interactivity of spaces under architectural designed diagram. The definition of Critical Space discussed in this dissertation is identical to the definition of Critical Path in CPM theory. It means there is no floating space, as floating time to critical path, to critical space, and it leads huge and critical productivity loss as conflicts occur. Related researches indicated critical space can be identified by applications of space syntax to avoid critical productivity loss occurring. However, quantitative assumptions are not completely proven yet, especially quantitative parameters, Rn and Cv, are not identified to analyze the dynamitic axial lines as well. The design of questionnaire is combined with site survey, site crew investigation and fuzzy theory. A Research Building construction for a University of Science and Technology in North Taiwan is demonstrated as a real case. Whether quantitative parameters being identified to analyze the dynamitic axial lines or not can be proven by real case analysis and questionnaires survey. The productivity loss function and curve for conflicting in critical space can also be calculated. Moreover, the development of critical space index will attribute significantly for critical space identification.


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