  • 學位論文

會員制關係行銷活動對會員行為與意向之影響- 心理態度之中介效果

The Effects of Membership Relationship Marketing Activities on Member’s behaviors and the Future Intentions: Psychological Attitudes as Mediators

指導教授 : 練乃華


會員制盛行於各行各業,舉凡食、衣、住、行、育、樂,都有採行會員制的企業案例。會員制關係不僅是組織與顧客之間的一種特殊關係,也是組織與顧客間有效建立與維持關係的方式之一,國內外相關的研究卻相當的少。 會員制與非會員制組織之間的關係行銷活動存有一些共同性與差異性,因此,在採行關係行銷活動時,要考慮會員制的獨特性以決定要採行的關係行銷活動。會員制組織的獨特性包含與會員之間有特定的契約期間、需要會員的共同產出、會員的社會認同角色及會員間之互相依賴等獨特性,共同性包含會員制的本質是組織的資產、對核心服務績效的要求、使用與運用多重類型的關係連結、創造彼此價值、心理態度的中介構念及服務便利性。 本研究透過文獻探討與個案公司的深度訪談,建構出概念性的研究架構並提出研究假設。關係行銷活動有四類:核心服務績效、經濟性連結(獎勵共同產出、獎勵貢獻行為、會員優惠價格)、非經濟性連結(傳播組織知識、強化會員間的互動)、服務便利性(據點與付費便利性);會員心理態度包含滿意度、承諾(情感與經濟承諾)、認同及會員互相依賴;會員關係行為包含使用率、共同產出、貢獻行為、購買額外產品;未來關係意向包含繼續留下意願、共同產出意願、貢獻意願、購買額外產品意願。首先,探討會員制組織的關係行銷活動對會員關係行為與未來關係意向之影響效果?其次,各類的關係行銷活動,對於會員關係行為與未來關係意向影響的相對重要程度如何?第三,探討會員心理態度之中介效果,在關係行銷活動與會員關係行為與未來關係意向間具有中介效果嗎?各類的關係行銷活動對會員心理態度與會員行為與意向的影響過程或因果路徑為何?構念的定義與衡量,是參考相關文獻探討為主,並輔以個案深度訪談與專家意見彙整而成,以國內的X連鎖休閒健身俱樂部的會員為對象,以問卷調查搜集資料,進行實證資料統計與分析。主要研究的結果如下: (一)關係行銷活動對會員的關係行為與未來關係意向之影響效果 1.關係行銷活動對會員的行為之影響,依影響效果大小排序為:核心服務績效>非經濟性連結>經濟性連結>服務便利性。相較於其他會員行為,使用率最易受到各類關係行銷活動的影響;服務便利性只影響使用率,對其他行為並無明顯效果。 2.關係行銷活動對會員的未來關係意向之影響效果,非經濟性連結(傳播組織知識與強化會員互動)對會員未來關係意向的影響效果最大;服務便利性對會員意向影響的相對重要性最低,僅影響留下意願。核心服務績效是企業與顧客建立長期關係的重要根本要素,企業做好核心服務績效才是首要目標,其次才是提昇非經濟性連結、經濟性連結及服務便利性,不能捨本逐末。 (二)會員心理態度之中介效果 1.會員心理態度對非經濟性連結(強化會員互動與傳播組織知識)和服務便利性有完全中介效果。非經濟性連結是透過情感承諾、認同、滿意度、會員之間的互相依賴去影響會員的關係行為與未來關係意向;服務便利性是透過經濟承諾去影響會員的關係行為與未來關係意向。 2.會員心理態度對於核心服務績效和經濟性連結有部分中介效果。核心服務績效是經由滿意度與經濟承諾去影響會員的關係行為與未來關係意向;經濟性連結是經由經濟承諾去影響會員的關係行為與未來關係意向。 3.經濟性連結與非經濟性連結的中介過程截然不同,經濟性連結是透過非情感性因素(經濟承諾)而間接影響會員的關係行為與意向;非經濟性連結是透過情感性因素(情感承諾、認同、滿意度及會員互相依賴)而間接影響行為與意向。會員制組織情境中,心理態度是重要的中介變數,各心理變項之中介效果依序為:情感承諾>認同>滿意度>經濟承諾>會員互相依賴。本研究也發現認同、會員互相依賴、共同產出及貢獻行為等構念,較適合存在於會員制組織情境中。


Although individuals rarely consider the pervasiveness of memberships in their lives, memberships in organizations are serve important roles in the daily lives of almost everyone in developed countries. Membership organizations can provide their members access to desire services and preferential treatment, a sense of belonging and identification, and the ability to meet their similar interests. Membership organizations are exist in many industries. In addition, membership program are designed to maintain and enhance the customer long term relationship. From the literature review, there are six general similarities including the asset nature of memberships, the requirement for core service performance, the availability and use of multiple types of bonds, mutual value creation, and the presence of psychological mediating constructs. And there are five unique characteristics are including the specific contractual period of a membership, the amount of co-production often required by the members, the role of social identification, interdependence among members, and the linkage of the membership to the core service. To develop the conceptual model, we combined literature review with existing research in service marketing, relationship marketing, and organization behavior. We used interviews and focus groups with fitness club mangers and experts to identify the various marketing actions that the club used in managing relationships with their membership, to determine the ways that members are committed to and identify with the organization, members interdependence and satisfaction with the organization, and to delineate the relationship behaviors and the future intentions in the membership situations. Additionally, to conceptualize and empirically examine the profit organization of sports and fitness club’s in Taiwan relationship marketing actives 【core services performance, non-economic bonds (dissemination of organizational knowledge and enhance of member interaction), economic bonds (reward for co-production, contribution, and members’ special treatment) , service convenience】 that are theorized to enhance their membership’s psychological attitudes (satisfaction, affective and continuance commitment, identification, and interdependence) to the relationship and the membership’s relationship behaviors (usage, co-production, contribution, buying extra goods or services) and the future intentions(intention to stay, co-production intention, contribution intention and buying extra goods or services intention). The findings of this research are as followings: 1. The effect of relationship marketing activities on member’s behaviors and the future intentions This study has shown the important effect of relationship marketing activities on member’s behaviors, the first is core service performance, the second is non-economic bonds, the third is economic bonds, finally, service convenience. To compare with other relationship behaviors, usage is influenced over the four relationship marketing activities. There is one other thing that is important about service convenience; it would increase the usage, but not to the other relationship marketing activities. The important effect of relationship marketing activities on member’s future intentions, the first is non-economic bonds (dissemination of organizational knowledge and enhance of member interaction). Compare with other relationship marketing activities service convenience is less important, it would increase the intention to stay in the future. Core service performance is the first important variable for the long term customer relationship in the membership organization, the second is non-economic bonds, the third is economic bonds, finally is service convenience. 2. The mediating effect of members psychological attitudes This study has shown that the member’s attitudes have the totally mediating effect on non-economic bonds and service convenience. The causal path of effect of non-economic bonds is mediated by affect commitment, identification, satisfaction and member’s interdependence on the member’s behaviors and the future intentions, as well as the service convenience is mediated by continuance commitment. However, the member’s attitudes on core service performance and economic bonds have partial mediating effect on the member’s behaviors and the future intentions. The effect of core service performance is mediated by satisfaction and economic bonds are mediated by continuance commitment on member’s behaviors and the future intentions. To sum up, the mediating effect on member’s relationship behaviors and the future intentions between the economic bonds and non-economic bonds have different ways. Economic bonds are mediated by non-affection attitude (continuance commitment) as well as the non-economic bonds are mediated by affection attitude (affect commitment, identification, satisfaction, and interdependence) on member’s relationship behaviors and the future intentions. There is evidence in support of psychological attitudes are the important mediators between the relationship marketing activities and the relationship behaviors and the future intentions. It would be possible to argue that the relative important sequences are affective commitment, identification, satisfaction, continuance commitment and member’s interdependence. We also found that identification, member’s interdependence, co-production and contributions are more suitable for the membership situations.


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