  • 學位論文


Women's Family Status in Taiwan: A Dyadic Analysis with the Weighted Composite of Marital Power

指導教授 : 伊慶春


本文以「經濟發展與婦女家庭地位:台灣的家庭結構、婦女就業型態與家庭權力結構之關聯」計畫所蒐集之516對夫妻配對資料為分析對象,除了探討台灣家庭決策及家務分工概況,勾勒台灣婦女在家庭權力結構中的相對位置及其演變趨勢外,重點在於針對夫妻權力研究提出反省,一來發展多維度婦女家庭地位分數,修正過往權力指標建構欠缺理論依據的缺點,二來應用多層模型於台灣婦女家庭地位研究,改善過往夫妻配對資料與統計分析方法未能正確對應的缺點,推進國內夫妻配對研究進度。主要研究結論包含以下六項: 一、婦女家庭地位之指標選擇 夫妻權力研究應發展多維度家庭地位分數,研究者若無法綜合考慮權力展現面向或指標的相對重要性,那麼婦女家庭地位研究結論將隨研究者挑選主題或指標不同而出現重大偏誤。 二、婦女家庭地位之指標權重 本研究應用層級分析法,彙整台灣社會學及性別研究學者意見發展權值。有別於過往,本研究建構之婦女家庭地位分數特色是,不僅賦予不同決策及分工指標不同權重,更同時整合家庭決策與家務分工於婦女家庭地位概念中,有利於完整呈現婦女在家庭內的生活處境。 三、多維度婦女家庭地位分數下的台灣家庭圖像 多維度地位概念下的台灣家庭圖像明顯偏向夫權,與過往只考慮單一指標的結論不同,要迎接平權家庭時代來臨,仍有一段路要走。 四、台灣家庭研究有必要同步蒐集夫妻意見 夫妻針對婦女家庭地位回答不一致比例超過三成,顯示夫妻權力研究有必要同步蒐集妻子與丈夫意見,即調查應該以「配對」而非「個人」做為分析單位,以避免結論偏誤。 五、多層模型下的婦女家庭地位影響機制 本研究應用多層模型於夫妻配對資料分析,結果顯示,婦女家庭地位確實受到傳統父權規範與資源規則的雙重影響,不過,在台灣夫妻權力關係中,丈夫地位受上層結構規範保障,故只有妻子才需要積極作為爭取權力,這使得在夫妻關係中,是「她」的資源發揮效應,總是「她」試圖影響「他」,這是過去研究未能釐清的部分。其次,妻子挑戰傳統的動力主要來自現代化觀念認知與經濟實力後盾,符合資源論看法,但資源論對於丈夫在妻子爭取權力過程中的微妙角色的反省不足,未來應多注意丈夫在妻子突破傳統框架的「過程」中的把關角色。 六、其他 研究顯示,台灣夫妻高比例回答不一致主要是因為夫妻特質差異及未衝突等脈絡因素造成,不存在女性或男性傾向誇大自己地位或符合傳統規範形象等系統性回答偏差,初步指向歧異觀點的適用性。未來只要是涉及夫妻關係事實的研究,理論上就應該同步蒐集夫妻意見,才不致造成研究結論偏誤。若因夫妻配對資料取得困難,只能以不具夫妻關係受訪者做為分析對象,研究者也應該清楚夫妻單方意見不代表家庭全貌,瞭解非配對樣本分析的推論限制。


Using 516 couple data gathered from The Economic Development and Women’s Family Status in Taiwan conducted in 1995-1996, this dissertation aims to provide a better measurement of marital power and use multilevel model to correctly analyze dyadic couple data. The main findings include the following: 1. Marital Power with Weighted Composite The analysis of the family decision-making patterns and the division of household labor in Taiwan points to the necessity to develop a multidimensional women’s family status index. If the researcher fails to give a comprehensive consideration to the marital power relationship, significant bias will arise from the different selection of study subjects or indicators. In 2007, scholars related to family and gender studies have invited to participate in the study of Developing Weight Schemes for Marital Power Measurement in Three Chinese Societies. Applying the technique of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), three levels of weights were calculated and transformed. The results show that the study of family decision-making power is of absolute importance to observe women’s family status in Taiwan. Among the five types of decisions, the most revealing decision item that reflects women’s power is that whether they can say no to family norms(weight equal to 0.290), followed by whether women can take part in the decision-making of major economic issues of the family (0.250), occupation related issues (0.243), child related issues (0.170) and daily expense management (0.047). As to household labor items, husband’s involvement in shopping for commodity and making small repairs around the house is of limited value to judge the conjugal marital power; in contrast, women's status in a society can be inferred by looking at husband‘s involvement in activities that are time- and labor-consuming, such as preparing the meal and doing household cleaning. Final weights are calculated by multiplying each indicator’s weight at three levels. By assigning different weight and score to each of the indicators, an integrated marital power score in representing women’s family status can be developed. The result shows that Taiwan is still a patriarchic society , among the 516 families, about 3/4 are patriarchic, 20% are even powered, and only 2% are matriarchic. This finding is different from the past studies in which only limited indicators were considered. 2. The Analysis of Dyadic Couple Data Results show that various degrees of discrepancy exist among couples' answers on household division of labor in various family stages, and the family decision items. After converting the indicators into women’s family status scores, more than 30% of the answers from husbands and wives are inconsistent, showing that it is indeed necessary to use “dyad” as the unit for analysis instead of “individual” Multilevel modeling, also commonly referred to as hierarchical liner modeling, is a relatively new statistical technique that is particularly useful for the analysis of dyadic data. Using 516 couple data, the APIM multilevel model developed by David A. Kenny was utilized to analyze women’s family status in Taiwan Findings regarding the mechanisms that influence women’s family status show that husband’s family status is given and protected by traditional patriarchic norms, the three factors that prevent the development of even-powered marital relationships are living arrangement, Hakka culture, and being encouraged to have children. Personal resources are crucial for a woman to break free from traditional norm and her husband’s superior status. With regard to the factors to account for the higher women’s family status, it was demonstrated by both husband’s and wife’s answers that women’s better education, women’s modern sex-role attitudes (cognitive resource), and women’s relative income (financial resource) are significant. The critical role of the influence of the husband’s sex-role attitudes and findings from 17 couples’in-depth interviews are also discussed. The dissertation concludes that efforts ought to be made to include conjugal unit, instead of one spouse, in the study of marital interaction in Taiwan. Recommendations for future studies have also been proposed.


王舒芸、余漢儀(1997)奶爸難為-雙薪家庭之父職角色初探。婦女 與兩性學刊8:115-149。


