  • 學位論文


Leo Strauss and the Problem of Socrates:Between Philosophy and Politics

指導教授 : 陳思賢


本論文嘗試從「哲學與政治之關係」切入來重新理解史特勞斯的政治哲學,特別是其古典政治哲學的意涵,來重新掌握其特殊的政治哲學界定方式,筆者主要是針對史特勞斯在他學術生涯中最後十年所投入的對於「蘇格拉底問題」的研究與論述,而分別從亞里斯多芬尼的蘇格拉底(第二章)、色諾芬的蘇格拉底(第三章)與柏拉圖的蘇格拉底(第四章)來描述蘇格拉底的整體形象,並試圖探究在蘇格拉底問題中所呈現出來的「哲學與政治之爭」是否有調解或超越的可能性(第五章)。 喜劇詩人亞里斯多芬尼在《雲》一劇中所呈現出來的蘇格拉底做為哲學家的負面形象,一般皆被解讀為是對蘇格拉底的批判,但是史特勞斯卻認為亞里斯多芬尼是蘇格拉底的朋友,因為詩人提醒了哲學家其所追求的哲學生活對政治生活所具有的潛在危險性,以及哲學家應該對於自身所處的政治處境要有高度的自覺,而蘇格拉底的兩位學生色諾芬與柏拉圖對於其師哲學的辯護,史特勞斯就認為可以將其視為對詩人亞里斯多芬尼批判的一種回應,從而再度肯定「哲學生活」相對於「政治生活」的崇高與尊嚴。色諾芬在他的《會飲篇》、《回憶蘇格拉底》、《家政篇》都分別觸及到哲學生活的崇高性與哲學家對於城邦虔敬的自覺,而在《希耶羅》中更是具體呈現出哲學生活與政治生活之間對比與張力來,但史特勞斯在對《希耶羅》的解讀中得出哲學生活具有更高價值這樣的結論,柯耶夫卻不以為然,他認為不管是哲學家或政治人都是為「承認」而鬥爭,也就是說,這種生活方式並沒有本質上的差異,而在政治上對承認的欲望只有在「普遍同質國家」中才有可能充分滿足,而在這個國家實現之際,歷史就終結了,史特勞斯認為柯耶夫所謂的歷史終結,將導致哲學終結,從而使人性毀滅,沒有給哲學生活留下任何空間。柏拉圖的蘇格拉底在《理想國》中獲得最為具體的呈現,也從中認識到了政治生活的本質侷限。史特勞斯認為《理想國》中針對「哲學與政治之關係」問題所提出的答案是「政治權力要與哲學達成一致:哲學家必須是最高統治者,或最高統治者必須真正而充分地研究哲學」,但柏拉圖的結論是「正義城邦只存在於言辭之中」,雖然正義城邦現實不可能,柏拉圖轉而去探究「可能的最佳城邦」,但《法律篇》卻是從諸神信仰開始探討,這說明了柏拉圖的蘇格拉底已經意識到城邦公民對諸神信仰的虔敬,在政治生活中扮演最為關鍵的角色,從而成為哲學家必須正視的重大課題。 針對於「哲學與政治潛在衝突關係」的調解與超越,筆者嘗試整理出三個方案或論題來,分別是「亞里斯多德論題」、「柯耶夫論題」與「史特勞斯論題」。亞里斯多德也嘗試結合哲學與政治行動,哲學要在政治生活中實踐,而政治必須接受哲學引導,但與柏拉圖的蘇格拉底不同的是,亞里斯多德因為對社會多元性的承認,從而肯定了政治生活的高貴,並強調政治生活是個人美德實踐的條件。柯耶夫則在黑格爾傳統的影響下,希望建構一個「普遍同質國家」,在這樣一種政治統治型態中,原本哲學家的角色已經被知識份子所取代,知識份子將哲學家的抽象理論轉譯為具體政策建議而提供給統治者,哲學家隱身於實際政治生活的幕後。而史特勞斯則企圖在現代社會中,在學院中延續古典哲學精神的血脈,透過「博雅教育」(liberal education)的途徑來教育潛在的哲學家,這顯然是一個迫於情勢的折衷方案。而對於這三種調和論題的整體評估,筆者認為亞里斯多德提升了政治生活相對於哲學生活的位階,雖然他仍然肯定沈思生活或理論生活仍應該是個人的最終選擇,但哲學家在政治生活中所扮演的角色以不復以往的重要性。柯耶夫將政治生活的主導角色從哲學家轉到政治人或統治者,雖然哲學家的重要性以不再像古典政治哲學所說的那樣重要,不過這是一個符合現實的調整。史特勞斯試圖透過偉大經典的研讀來培育有潛力的哲學家,以此作為抗拒大眾文化的庸俗傾向。


This dissertation demonstrates ‘’the problem of Socrates’’ in Strauss’s own writings. In the works of Aristophanes, Plato, and Xenophon, Strauss found out the main thesis of the problem of Socrates: the tension between philosophy and politics. Leo Strauss was devoted to the problem of Socrates in the last decade of his academic career, and he tried to capture the whole picture of Socrates by considering Aristophanes’ Socrates, Xenophon’s Socrates, and Plato’s Socrates, respectively. In Aristophanes’ comedy Clouds, Socrates was a sophist and a natural philosopher. As a philosopher, the characteristic of Socrates was insanity and madness. According to Strauss, the poet Aristophanes was a friend of Socrates, and the poet had warned Socrates of philosophical life having a potential danger to politics. In response to Aristophanes’ critique, Xenophon’s and Plato’s Socrates both tried to defend the primacy of the philosophical life. In the interpretation of Xenophon’s Hiero, Strauss argued that the poet Simonides tamed a tyrant by confirming the debase of political life when compared to philosophical life. In the Republic of Plato, the philosopher-king was the best representation of tension between Philosopher and political community. ‘Polis or city in speech’ showed that two ways of life, philosophical and political, were difficult to reconcile, which is the immanent predicament in human world. To explore the possibilities of reconciling the tension between philosophy and politics, I introduce three theses respectively: the Aristotle’s thesis, Kojeve’s thesis, and the Strauss’s thesis. Aristotle tried to combine the philosophy and political action. On the one hand, he thought that we had to put philosophy into practice in the political life; on the other hand, the political rule must guild by philosophy. In Kojeve’s mind, when the time of ‘the universal and homogeneous state’ comes true, History has come to its end. If so, as Strauss said, the completion of History will reveal that the problem of the relation of philosophy and politics is insoluble. By means of ‘liberal education,’ I think that Leo Strauss did provide a viable solution to overcome the tension between philosophical life and political life in the modern time.


1935a The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1935b Philosophy and Law: Contributions to the Understanding of Maimonides and his Predecessors. Edited by Eve Adler. Albany: State University of New York Press.
1953 Natural Right and History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1959 What is Political Philosophy? Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
1962 Spinoza’s Critique of Religion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


