  • 學位論文


Aspire Rural-The Rural Imagination of Aspire Park Community Resident

指導教授 : 闕河嘉


本篇研究的主旨,即在於發掘「鄉村」被渴望村新移民所賦予的新詮釋,而這些新詮釋是否和傳統的鄉村定義有所不同,甚至和學界所討論的後鄉村(post-rural)有所關聯。 本研究的主體圍繞在陳述、再現出來渴望村居民詮釋的鄉村形象。主要問題核心,將會環繞在解答下列的提問: 1.渴望村居民的鄉村想像與意象是什麼? 2.渴望村居民之生活實踐所呈現出來的特殊鄉村意象,是否形成台灣後生產情境中的另類鄉村?以及在Halfacree鄉村空間三重模式的分析下,我們可以如何理解此另類鄉村的形塑過程? 研究所倚賴的理論以Halfacree的鄉村空間三重模型概念,此模型乃延伸自Henri Lefebvre的空間產製模型。於三、四、五章分別依據Halfacree分析鄉村空間的三個面向:「地方性」、「正式再現」與「每日生活」,以渴望村為例討論其另類鄉村意義和形塑過程。 第三章「渴望村的鄉村地方性」,說明渴望村異於傳統鄉村的環境組成以及生活模式。第四章「渴望村的正式再現」,進一步探究存在於渴望村的論述如何影響其組織架構和活動。第五章「渴望村的每日生活」,強調「實踐」的概念。最後,延伸討論渴望村的鄉村空間產製,是否也為一種鄉村仕紳化現象。


鄉村 地方性 正式再現 每日生活


The main purpose of this study is to exploring the "new identify of rural" of new immigrants eager to rural under the new interpretation, and whether these new and traditional interpretation of the definition of different rural, and even academics are discussing the rural after the (post-rural) Be associated with. This study on the subject in the statement, eager to reproduce the rural by village residents interpretation of the image. The main core of the problem, the answer will surround the following questions: 1.What imagination do Rural residents have and create ? 2.Anxious residents of the village of life emerged by the practice of the special ruralimagery, whether the formation of Taiwan's situation after the production of alternative rural » Halfacree and villages in the space of three models, we can understand how this process of formation of an alternative rural. Institute Halfacree to rely on the theory of space triple model village concept, this model is the extension of self-Henri Lefebvre space production model. In three, four, five chapters were based on Halfacree analysis of the three villages of space-oriented: "local", "the official reproduction" and "daily life" to the village as an example eager to discuss its significance and alternative rural formation process. Chapter III "desire of the village local village", that desire is different from traditional rural village of the environment and lifestyle. Chapter IV, "the official eager to reproduce the village", there was eager to further explore the village on how to influence its organizational structure and activities. Chapter V "desire of the village daily life", stressing that "practice" concept. Finally, eager to discuss extension of the rural village of production space, whether as a village official Clifford Chance phenomenon.


郭至剛(2005)。全球化脈絡下的社區營造與縉紳化--台北市永康社區的建構與轉化。未出版之,臺灣大學 建築與城鄉研究所,台北。
