  • 學位論文


Study on Cu-Au nanoparticles synthesized by chemical reduction method and oxidation resistance properties

指導教授 : 李源弘
共同指導教授 : 陳軍華


奈米材料在近期是一個相當熱門的課題,金屬奈米顆粒便是其中相當重要的一環,由於金屬奈米顆粒擁有許多特殊的性質,應用範圍也相當廣泛,包括單元、二元、甚至是多元金屬奈米顆粒,並且延伸到氧化物,或是與其他非金屬材料結合的應用性。 本次實驗希望對銅金奈米顆粒的合成以及抗氧化性質做一個研究,銅金奈米顆粒在未來無論是生醫上或微細導線等方面都是相當有潛力的材料,在瀏覽過許多文獻之後,我們提出三個目標:(1)介面活性劑對奈米顆粒粒徑的影響,(2)利用化學還原法製備銅金核殼及合金奈米顆粒,(3)銅金奈米顆粒的抗氧化性質研究。 在我們的實驗中,我們主要利用UV-vis吸收光譜,以及XRD、XPS、以及TEM等分析方法做性質的鑑定。首先,我們成功利用介面活性劑的變化,合成出四組不同大小之奈米顆粒,以及奈米顆粒的大小對UV-vis吸收的關係,呈現一個幾乎線性的關係。銅金核殼以及合金奈米顆粒方面經由各項測試證實,已成功用化學還原法製備,並且發現核殼以及合金在基礎的光學吸收(UV-vis)有很大的差別;抗氧化性質方面,藉由許多的測試證實合殼結構由於金的包覆,抗氧化性質比合金以及純銅好很多,尤其是金銅比例1:1、1:2的核殼結構可以完全防止氧化,,合金方面也會隨著金的比例上升,抗氧化性質提升;另外,各氧化相的變化也都被確定。 銅金材料奈米顆粒過去鮮少被研究,只有一些合金奈米顆粒的合成討論,氧化性質目前還處於塊才以及薄膜材料的研究,因此我們的實驗結果對銅金奈米顆粒未來的應用都是非常重要的。


Nano-size materials have been studied much these few years; metal nanoparticle is one of an important field of them. Metal nanoparticles have many special properties, and the application are including mono-metal system, bimetal system, poly-metal system, even extend to the oxide of metal nanoparticles and combination with non-metal material. In our work, we want to study about the synthesis of Cu/Au bimetal core-shell and alloy nanoparticles. Cu/Au bimetal nanoparticles have much potential in bio-detecter and nanoconducter in the future. After reviewed many reference, we propose three key points of Cu/Au nanoparticle: (1) Influence of surfactant in nanoparticle’s particle size. (2) Synthesize Cu/Au nanoparticles by chemical reduction method. (3) The oxidation resistance abilities of Cu/Au nanoparticles. In our works, UV-vis spectroscopy, XRD, XPS and TEM were applied for the properties identify of metal nanoparticles. First, four different size of nanoparticles were synthesized by surfactants added in different times. The relation between UV-vis absorption with particle size was almost linear. Cu/Au metal nanoparticles were successfully by chemical reduction method. The UV-vis absorption of core-shell and alloy nanoparticles was different in our result. The oxidation resistance abilities of Cu/Au metal nanoparticles were confirm by many test. Core-shell nanoparticles have better oxidation resistance abilities than alloy and pure Cu because of the Au shell protection. Especially in Au:Cu 1:1 and 1:2, the oxidation will not happen. The oxidation resistance abilities of alloy will get better along with the increasing amount of Au. Also the final products of all samples after oxidized were been recognized. Study of Cu/Au nanoparticles were less before. Some procedures of Cu/Au alloy nanoparticles had been proposed only. The discussions of oxidation of Cu/Au metal are still in bulk and thin film materials now. So these results of our experiment were very important for the future applications of Cu/Au nanoparticles.


(2002) 16-18,
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