  • 學位論文


The Landscape Planning, Design and Management of Boulevard in Taipei, Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


不同的社會倫理、環境美學設計觀念及環境資源的價值觀點塑造出來的地景設計元素堆疊的情形,可以在觀察一個實質環境時發現。從觀察一個地點多元的複雜地景元素,也會發現其背後相關影響的社會、美學及價值觀變遷脈絡。 本研究以都市林蔭街道的實際發展演變過程及多元組成的複雜地景設計元素作為研究探討重點,利用台北市不同發展歷程的仁愛路、敦化路、中華路三條重要市區林蔭道路作為都市林蔭街道的實證地點。結果發現實際形塑各林蔭街道空間的地景設計元素的產生與下列脈絡因素有關:(1)社會倫理:日治時期以改善衛生為主的都市規劃體系、光復後以經濟發展為主的經濟建設與機能性規劃、21世紀生態及永續觀念下的生態系統設計思維 (2)美學設計觀念:傳統地景元素的幾何圖形與機械式排列塑造的莊嚴與整潔意象、都市綠美化與複層植栽生態設計(3)資源配置價值觀:早期行人為主要利用對象的三線道設計、工業發展後注重運輸工具效率的道路設計、生態意識興起後重視城市綠色資源並回歸到「人本交通」的思想。在結論並綜合以上研究結果提出對於當代永續觀念下都市林蔭街道的新扮演的角色與新的設計管理策略方向。


都市林蔭街道 街樹


Different social ethics, environmental aesthetics and values to resource arrangement shaped the landscape design elements which have been laid out together. If one observes the multiply complicated landscape elements which combines into a landscape laid out, one will find the changing context of relative social, aesthetics and values behind. This study focuses on the actual developing process and multi-combined complicated landscape design elements of urban boulevards, and then chooses Ren-ai Raod, Dunhua South and North Road, Zhonghua Road with distinguished developing process in Taipei city as the case study streets of urban boulevards. The results show that landscape design elements which shaped each boulevard space is relative to the following context factors: (1)social ethics: the urban planning systems in Japanese ruling period focusing on public hygiene improvement, the economical establishment and functioning planning after World War Ц in order to improve social economics, the ecological systematic design thinking under ecological and sustainable values in the 21 century. (2)aesthetics: the neat image that shaped by geometrical and mechanical regular arrangement of landscape elements, the city beautiful movement with greening and the multi-layer ecological planting design (3)values of resource arrangement: earlier three-way boulevard that most used for pedestrian, the road design that stresses on efficient transportation tools after industrial development, the concern of urban green resources after ecological ideology arises and the returning thinking of “pedestrian first” traffic. The result mentioned above propose a new role and new design management strategies of urban boulevard under contemporary sustainable ideology.


Urban boulevard Street trees


1. 台北市交通局,台北市腳踏車政策
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4. Elizabeth MacDonald ,(2002), Structuring a Landscape/Structuring a Sense of Place: The Enduring Complexity of Olmsted and Vaux's Brooklyn Parkways,Journal of Urban Design
5. Jacobs, A. B., Macodonald, E. and Rofé, Y., (2002), “The Boulevard Book: History, Evolution, Design of Multiway Boulevard”, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
