  • 學位論文


When Environmental Movement Meets the EIA Institution

指導教授 : 劉可強


環評制度常遭受過度重視技術層面,忽略人文社會衝擊,並缺乏健全的民眾參與、資訊公開機制等批評。我國環保署第六屆環境影響評估委員會,為我國首次有環境運動成員代表加入擔任委員,在組成結構上令人耳目一新,故無論對環境影響評估制度、相關政策亦或環境運動的發展,都具有重要的歷史意涵。本研究從委員會內部的運作角度,透過會議紀錄的文本分析、深度訪談等方式,分析第六屆環評委員會,是否因為組成結構的異質性,而在實質審查面向有所轉向,以及委員們在制度內所進行的程序改革努力,進行分析與探討。 研究發現,第六屆環評委員,在專案小組會議中表現出較踴躍的發問態度,並較重視開發案的社會經濟衝擊,以及程序正義、資訊公開等議題,打破過去多半侷限於物理化環境的審查習慣。但委員們在體制內進行的改革,以及對開發案的把關態度,也引起了主管機關環保署以及開發單位的反彈,甚至透過各種行政舉措,試圖影響開發案審查走向,彼此對於相關程序,發生爭辯與衝突。 有改革意識的環評委員,在衝突與爭議中,任期屆滿後幾乎遭到全數汰換,但透過此一過程,學習體制內參與的經驗;也藉此突顯出環評的本質,不僅是單純的科學技術專業,涉及各種價值選擇與政治過程,故除了專業知識,委員們也應該意識到環評決策的政治、社會後果,同時透過促進環評委員組成的多元性,達成彼此辯論、互補的審查效果。


The EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) process was often criticized for poor civil participation mechanisms and access to information. Natural science was the primacy concern and the social issues were disregarded. In the 6th EIA Committee of Taiwan, it is the first case in which members of environmental movement taking on the role of EIA commissioners. This is a milestone of both environmental policy and environmental movement. By analyzing the conference minutes and in-depth interviewes, this study discuss how the deliberation process changes with the new membership structure, and how the commissioners try to make some reformation in the government. It is found that the 6th EIA Commissioners were more active in the deliberation process than those of the previous sessions. They also make more efforts on issues of socio-economics, procedural justice and access to information, which break the scoping restrictions of the past. However, the reformations by the inside advocates also give rise to conflictions between the committee, industries and bureaucracy. Commissioners with advocating consciousness were almost replaced at the expiration. After all, they understand the process of decision making and how to establish rules and procedures inside the political system. The paper also indicates that EIA is not only science, but also contain value assumptions and political process. So it is important to be conscious of the social and political consequences of EIA decisions. Lastly, the author proposes the compositional diversity to facilitate the confrontation, discuss and deliberation in the EIA process.


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