  • 學位論文


A Study of Career Satisfaction about Female Physicians

指導教授 : 陳端容


近年來台灣女性進入醫學系就讀的比例愈來愈高,國內執業女醫師佔總執業醫師人數的百分比,從1998年僅9.34%,到2002年已達11.6%,直到2007年已增加至14.18%,雖然是正向成長趨勢,但女醫師進入職場後,能擔任至高階主管的比例卻少之又少。文獻指出,台灣女醫師與國外女醫師所面臨的困境與不盡相同,皆面臨性別歧視、工作家庭衝突(家庭工作衝突)、缺乏良師益友、過度工作壓力、及對工作環境掌控低等問題,但無論是工作或家庭所面臨的壓力多大,女醫師們對於自己的生涯仍感到滿意,形成一矛盾現象,值得探討。 本研究以國內五大都會區區域醫院以上的女醫師為主,依四個年代進行抽樣,以郵寄問卷方式進行調查,共發出700份研究問卷,實際有效回收份數為215份,有效回收率為30.7%,主要以複迴歸分析,探討性別平等意識、工作家庭衝突及良師益友對生涯滿意之影響。 研究結果發現,工作家庭衝突與家庭工作衝突為影響生涯滿意之主因;而較資深的女醫師比較資淺的女醫師有較高的生涯滿意,推論資淺的女醫師其子女較年幼,家庭的負擔較重,致使工作與家庭間的衝突較大,進而導致生涯滿意較低。而組織中的人際互動,不論性別或是直屬、平行關係,皆不影響女醫師的滿意度。故女醫師的生涯滿意偏重於個人對衝突的感受,並不受與他人互動的影響。 根據研究結果提出下列建議,應確實實施兩性平等工作法,而組織可針對法案不足之處提供相關措施與補助;另外,組織可與全國各區保母協會合作,提供幼兒相關照顧服務,並鼓勵男醫師請育嬰假,以平衡男女親職負擔。工作方面可增加工作排程的彈性,以增加女醫師時間的利用率。


In recent years, more and more females entered the medical job field. However, only a few of them reached to a higher level. Researches indicate that, in Taiwan and other countries, female physicians suffered from sex discrimination, work-family (family-work) conflict, lack of mentors, heavy work overload, and low control of work environment. It is a paradox that no matter how difficult the situation is, almost all female physicians are satisfied with their careers. The research divided female physicians in four generations, and selected the ones who work in regional hospitals or medical centers in urban area, and surveyed with mailing questionnaires. The response rate was 30.7%, and multiple regression was used to acknowledge what the main factor to career satisfaction was. The research found that work-family conflict (family-work conflict) was the main factor to affect career satisfaction. Female physicians who feel more conflict would feel less satisfied. And younger physicians were less satisfied than senior physicians, because they needed to pay more attention to childcare.All kinds of mentors and awareness of gender equality were helpless with career satisfaction. According to the result, it is recommended that Law of Gender Equality should be implemented completely. Hospitals could corporate with National Nanny Association to ask for help. In long-term, government should enhance the education of gender equality. Also, hospitals could increase work flexibility for female physicians to utilize female physicians’ use of time.


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