  • 學位論文


The business cycles of Taiwan

指導教授 : 梁國源




The business cycle is an important force in the economy. However, the attention on it is mostly on the short-term inventory cycle, while the other cycles receive way fewer notice than it should for the influence it has on the economy. Therefore, this thesis attempts to illustrate that middle cycles of 7-11 years and even longer cycles exist in addition to the commonly acknowledged 3-5 year short run cycles identified by the CEPD of Taiwan and deserves enhanced consideration using Taiwanese data and spectral analysis, Decision makers should put the higher order cycles into exceptional consideration specially when forming countercyclical policies. Politicians can have a better understanding of the depth and scope of economic downturns through the studies of middle and long waves in addition to the short cycles, and thus optimize the choice and strength of policies implemented, especially with limited resources.


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