  • 學位論文


Exploration of Productivity Loss Function Due to Interface Interference in Semiconductor Plant Construction

指導教授 : 張陸滿


高科技廠房與一般傳統工程有許多不同特性,如工程難度高、施工工期短、規模大及施工界面複雜等,且同步施工導致現場施作人員眾多,不同工班在同一個空間施作,產生許多施工界面衝突,直接影響工人之生產力,造成工程工期延宕,對於專案工程管控有極大影響。施工界面衝突使工地現場混亂,等待與擁擠造成生產力之折損程度,少有文獻予以量化,因此無法評估上述對生產力折減之嚴重程度。 本研究以半導體廠為例,透過訪談工地現場施作人員,將工班因施工界面衝突產生等待與擁擠之情形予以量化並比較分析,以模糊語意設計問卷(fuzzy verbal questionnaires)進行問卷調查,經過模糊統計(fuzzy statistics)分析後,得到不同工種與不同施工界面衝突處之生產力折減情形,再經迴歸計算後,建構出不同施工界面衝突下,不同工種間等待和擁擠情形對應之生產力折減曲線函數,並進一步分析比較不同施工界面衝突造成生產力折減值之差異,以及產生差異之原因。 透過彙整高科技廠房中常見之施工界面衝突,並以生產力函數將工班等待和擁擠問題予以量化,於實務上可依據施工現場狀況求得生產力折減之具體參數,以重新調整合理之生產力;並由此生產力折減函數來突顯影響工人生產力最為嚴重之施工界面衝突,在工程管理上需更注意避免其發生而影響整體工程,使工地現場狀況能有更佳的管控。


Construction of High-tech manufactory plant is quite different from ordinary construction due to its tight schedule, complicate construction interference conflict, and concurrent engineering. Therefore, different trades may interfere with one another while working in the same space, and produce many construction interface conflicts. These construction interface conflicts produce chaos in a construction site, and affect labor productivity directly. Few researchers quantify the relationship of productivity with waiting behavior and crowded space of the different trades, and the severity of the productivity loss. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explain productivity loss function due to interference in semiconductor plant construction. This thesis focuses on hi-tech semiconductor fab. Through on-site interviews with the construction experts, the waiting behavior and crowded space which are made by construction interface conflicts are quantified. The fuzzy verbal questionnaires were adopted in the interviews according to the construction interface conflicts types, and the interviews were recorded in the form of fuzzy intersection. After applying the fuzzy statistics, the parameter of each fuzzy verbal variable that causes the productivity loss was identified. Then the function of different types of construction interface conflicts of productivity loss was built, and the difference of productivity loss value and the reasons for differences were determined. After collecting the common construction interface conflicts in hi-tech factory buildings, and quantifying waiting and crowded problems into productivity loss function, in practice, labor productivity loss value was obtained based on the situation of construction site. Then, it is readjusted reasonable productivity. In this way, the most serious construction interface conflict is highlighted, and more attention can be point to avoid the occurrence of the impact of the overall project. Then, it result in a better control of the project management.


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