  • 學位論文

高科技廠房施工時程管理規劃與現場管控之研究 -以半導體與太陽能廠房為例

Study of Schedule Management Planning & On-site Control on Construction of High-tech Facility -Mainly on Semiconductor & Solar Fab

指導教授 : 張陸滿


由於高科技產品的短生命週期特性,高科技廠公司為了爭取市佔優勢與競爭能力,莫不希望在短時間內能大量生產公司之產品。因此相較於一般公共工程,高科技廠房建廠專案在營建生命週期中的設計規劃與發包施工都非常的緊湊,以確保能擁有較佳之市佔能力。然而此種營建特性在施工過程中帶來了許多系統施工界面衝突與溝通問題,因此在施工管理上需具備良好的及完整的建廠管理模式以減少問題發生。 時程管理(Schedule Management)在高科技廠房建廠施工中為一重要的專案管理手法,在學術上常見之時程管理方法於PMI出版之PMBOK均有介紹:如要徑法(CPM)、箭線圖示法(ADM)與實獲值管理等。然而此種基本管理方法在應用至建廠實務中時,專案團隊需針對其專案特性進行調整與改善,以便能解決其實務問題。 本研究將從營建工程專案管理(Construction Project Management)範疇與工程專案團隊(Professional Construction Management)的角度進行研究。首先將高科技廠之定義與特性釐清,再以建廠流程為主軸,探討建廠實務的時程管理問題以及其解決方法。在列出問題與影響因子後,本研究依專家訪談與現地考察針對各實務問題整理出解決方法,並以成本、人力資源、溝通管理為輔之概念進行深度研究。 在整個建廠專案中,本研究整理出影響時程管理的重大因素列表。並經由文獻回顧、專家訪談與現地考察分析,發掘如下之高科技廠房建廠專案四大探討問題主軸與相對應之解決策略與原則,分別為:快車式施工法與工期短縮緊湊問題、施工介面整合問題、資源調度與派工問題、時程規劃基準與管控問題。 研究中除列出實務問題清單以及預計解決方法外,也闡述了訪談時程工程師在時程管控中的邏輯與目標。期望研究結果能作為營建公司、監造顧問公司及高科技廠業主未來建廠管理之參考與應用。


Due to the competitive market and the characteristic of short life-cycles in high-tech semiconductor products, companies nowadays are prompted to construct manufacturing facilities in a fast manner for securing a place in the market share. As a result, the time period invested in planning and construction is much shorter than that in public constructions, and many problems can occur in interface integration, communication, construction, and etc. Therefore, complete and suitable management tools become essential in solving these problems. In a high-tech facility construction project, “schedule management” is the primary issue. There are many schedule management tools and methods demonstrated in PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge, a guide published by Project Management Institute), such as critical path method, arrow diagram method, earn value management, and etc. In real case scenarios, however, a schedule engineer must have the flexibility to adjust the principles when these methods are integrated to specific high-tech facility projects. Adopting the viewpoint of PCM (Professional Construction Management), this research first clarified the definitions and the characteristics of high-tech facility construction projects. Then, major problems and possible solutions of the schedule management in a construction process were discussed. Through a combination of in-depth literature review, expert interview and case study, problems were investigated and solutions were proposed. The key factors in schedule management can be summarized as the following four issues in high-tech facility construction project: fast track construction and tight working hours, interface integration, resource dispatch and schedule planning and control. With detailed data collection and analysis, the study demonstrates the logic and targets in schedule management corresponding to specific high-tech facility projects. The results found in this research hopefully provide useful, and could serve as a useful reference for future high-tech facility construction projects.


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