  • 學位論文


Perceptive Discrepancies of Medical Service Quality Research

指導教授 : 柯承恩


在服務業中,醫療服務所扮演之角色與民眾的生活可說是最為息息相關。儘管近年來國內醫療機構總數逐年減少,服務的總人數卻有不降反升的趨勢,在每家醫療院所所須服務的病患越來越多的情況下,服務品質的維持對於醫療院所勢必是一項相當大的挑戰,而醫療服務本質上的高專業程度所造成的資訊不對稱,也必定會影響到醫病雙方對於服務品質的認知,而醫療機構本身連帶地也更難以用一個公認的標準衡量其服務品質的良窳。 本研究以三家背景各異的醫療機構之門診服務為研究對象,首先將門診服務流程分為一般性的「非核心服務」以及專業性高的「核心服務」二類,再將醫療服務供給方與需求方對於服務品質的認知同時納入分析,並將雙方的認知內容皆區分成「重要性」及「滿意度」兩部分。研究內容包括「假說檢定」及「重要性-滿意度交互分析」兩部分,假說檢定結果顯示醫師與病患之間之認知差異情形確實會因服務種類(核心�非核心)及認知類型(重要性�滿意度)的不同而有所差異;重要性-滿意度分析則以過去學者對於需求方認知之研究為基礎,將服務供需雙方之認知交叉分析後,顯示許多專業服務項目並不應單憑病患的滿意即忽視其改進的可能性。 本研究認為,透過將醫療服務等專業服務者的認知與服務接受方的認知互相比較,分析者不僅能了解顧客自身的需求,透過服務提供者的自我檢視同時更能夠發掘就專業角度而言需繼續改善的地方,進而達到真正提升醫療服務品質的目的。


Medical services are closely connected with people’s life. Though the total number of hospitals in Taiwan is decreasing in recent years, the number of patients is increasing. Under such circumstance, it is challenging to maintain the same level of service quality. Due to the fact that medical service is a highly professional business, the information asymmetry between doctors and patients is expected to affect service quality perceptions of both parties. Therefore, it is getting harder for medical institutions to evaluate their own service quality with a general accepted method or standard. The samples were drawn from the outpatient services of three hospitals with different backgrounds and characteristics in Taiwan. The study firstly categorized the service process to the general “non-core services” and the more professionalized “core services”. Next, the analysis included both service providers and demanders’ perception, which are simultaneously divided into two sides of views: “importance” and “satisfaction”. The results of hypothesis testing indicated that both service type (core/non-core) and perception view (importance/satisfaction) have impact on the perception gap between medical service providers and hospital patients. The importance-satisfaction analyses, which were mostly aimed on the demand side of service only, is modified by the study to observe not only service demanders but also suppliers. The result showed that some professional service items still have more room to improve, despite the satisfaction of patients. The study concluded that through a thorough analysis of the perceptions of both sides of medical service (Or other professional services), service providers can not only understand the need of patients but also discover the hidden downsides from the professional view and ultimately improve the overall service quality of medical care.


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