  • 學位論文


Spatial Analysis of Agricultural Income in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張宏浩


農家所得相關議題長久以來備受關注,近年在國際化與自由化的浪潮下,農家所得衰退、分配趨於不均,農業當局將面臨更多挑戰。過去,政府習以全區域之觀點規劃農業政策,此做法不僅有使政策流於籠統之弊,實施成效也難以衡量。國內外雖不乏農家所得之相關研究,但始終缺乏地區性的剖析,因此,本文引用空間分析的概念,探討農業所得在不同空間中之相依性,以及分析影響農業所得的各項因素,主要目的係藉由此概念,打破過去均一式政策規劃的迷思。 本研究利用民國七十九年、八十九年以及九十四年農林漁牧普查結果為實證資料,不同於過去文獻多著眼於時間變化、社經變數對整體農家經濟的影響,本研究於實證模型中加入空間結構為分析因素,探討台灣農牧戶之農業所得是否存有空間聚集或空間差異的現象。 為達上述研究目的,首先須對三年份的實證資料個別施做空間探索式分析,分別利用全域型Moran’s I指標檢測法及地區型LISA分析法,剖析臺灣農業所得是否存有空間聚集的現象,以及空間聚集之區位。其後,以橫斷面資料(Cross-Section Data)及均衡式追蹤資料型態(Balanced Panel Data),估計數個包含空間落遲(Spatial Lag)、空間誤差(Spatial Error)的計量模型,據此分析臺灣農業所得空間相依的程度,並歸納影響農業所得之主要因素。 根據各年度全域型Moran’s I檢測結果,顯示臺灣農業所得確實在相鄰村里間具有正向相關,證實本研究之假設。此外,由地區型LISA檢測法得知,臺灣農業所得較高之地區,主要聚集在嘉南、中部及南投一帶、部分北宜地區,以及花東縱谷地帶;農業所得偏低之農牧戶則多位於北、桃、竹、苗等西、北部沿海地區,以及台南縣市、高雄縣市等地。 透過各種空間計量模型分析後,本研究發現,未考量空間自我相關分析時,影響農業所得之主要因素不外乎社經結構及經營專業程度兩類,但在考慮空間鄰近因素後,顯示鄰近效應對農業所得亦有顯著影響。此外,不論以橫斷面資料或追蹤式資料做分析,空間自我相關迴歸模型之解釋能力,皆較傳統線性迴歸模型佳,表示鄰近因素對農業所得之影響力不容忽視。 由文獻回顧可知,影響農業所得的因素相當多元,舉凡農家指揮者背景、家戶社經狀態或農業經營型態等,本研究證實,地區相鄰因素亦會影響農業所得,然未獲得應有重視,盼藉由本研究,使政策制訂者正視此因素,並列為未來政策擬定之參考。


Many research conducted the topic “agricultural income”, but less of them took Spatial Analysis into account. Agricultural income, which is an important part of farm life, always receives attention by the government. Because of globalization, agricultural income declining and unbalancing in Taiwan. Thus, domestic agriculture will face more difficulties than ever. As for the complex social trend, we need to consider more when planning the policies, especially bring in the local advantage. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate agricultural income of each municipality in Taiwan, and to find out the factors which impact on agricultural income. In the study, we bring possible factors which impact interaction among cross-municipalities into several spatial econometric models, as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Spatial Analysis considers the impact of neighborhood and evaluates the effective degree of them. We choose several talent models which are appropriate to apply Spatial Analysis to, and use them to estimate agricultural survey data in Taiwan. To achieve the purpose, we use the Spatial Analysis to identify the spatial dependency of agricultural income in Taiwan. We find that agricultural income exactly has positive dependency on neighborhood. It means that the municipalities nearby will be important roles to effect a village’s agricultural income. The results of this study will provide great insight to the policy makers and make them put more attention on the impact factors of neighborhood when conducting related programs. In this way, the policies will be more useful and the results of each program will be more applicable.


胡立諄、賴進貴,2006。「臺灣女性癌症的空間分析」。『臺灣地理資訊學刊』,4期, 39-55。
