  • 學位論文


Constructing a new home in the rural area—In-migrants’ adaptation to the idyllic rural environment

指導教授 : 劉可強


本文企圖探討,城市移居者之鄉居生活空間不斷變動的原因。 移居者抱著對想像來到鄉村,但是入住後才發現其與真實的鄉村環境有落差。但他們不是被動的、靜態的接受鄉村真實環境。為了落實期待的鄉居生活,他們會主動去改造鄉村真實環境,如改造農舍空間、營造農舍外的公共空間..等。然,鄉村環境仍是有一定的限制,是故,這群移居者同時也需調整他原本對鄉村生活的想像,來補足這個落差。 換句話說,增改建是想像與限制磨合的結果。另外,因想像與現實狀況、環境皆會不斷的改變,致使移居者必須要持續增改建他們的鄉居空間來回應。而在這過程中,鄉村性也開始改變。


This thesis attempts to analyze the reasons for the continuous changes in the rural living spaces of in-migrants from the city. In-migrants often hold an idyllic view of the rural environment. However, after they have actually lived in the rural areas for some time, they encounter disparities between their image and the real environment. But these in-migrants are not passive, quietly accepting the rural conditions. They actively seek to change the rural environment, such as the farm house space and the rural public spaces, in order to realize their expectations of rural life. But the rural environment does pose certain restrictions, and so the in-migrants must at the same time adjust their image of the idyllic rural life to compensate for the discrepancies. In other words, in-migrants’ rebuilding of their living spaces is the result of an ongoing co-adaptation between the idyllic vision and the real environment. Furthermore, because in-migrants’ idyllic vision and the real environment are always changing, they then have to rebuild their living spaces continuously. As a result, the rural environment and what constitute “rurality” also began to change in the processes of in-migrants’ rebuilding activities.


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