  • 學位論文


The Political Economy Analysis of Enron: A Leftist Perspective

指導教授 : 張亞中
共同指導教授 : 孫善豪(Shan-Hao Sun)


一般探討安隆弊案的文獻都採右派的立場,以不討論生產體制本身之合理性為前提來分析安隆風暴。它們只在資本主義制度中來看制度改革,來談監督,但這種方式卻忽略安隆風暴體現資本主義的結構缺陷,因此,是不是該站在不同的角度來審視資本主義才更能看清事情真相,也才能進行更好的改革。是故本篇論文將擺脫特定人物或某部分制度的範圍,從較宏觀的角度來分析安隆風暴,在結構層面和各種局部功能性作品之間做適當的連結,最後試圖歸納出能適當解釋安隆事件的邏輯。 從生產方式來看,處於資本主義生產方式之下的安隆反映出資本主義的基本性質。為了公司的生存,安隆必須追求利潤;當作為一個生產單位但工業利潤產出不足之時,它就轉而依賴「金融成長」。當連金融成長都無法達到它的獲利要求時,安隆就必須進行欺騙。因為此時為了生存下去,安隆只好舉債來養債而成為一個實質上在從事「龐式騙局」的組織。當然,龐式騙局最終是要破滅的,安隆的結局就只有倒閉一途。從工業生產漸漸轉到金融投資進而毀滅,正是當代資本主義的演化過程,安隆的發展體現出這個歷程。為了避免步入這種不利於社會的經濟模式,可能的選擇方案可能是凱因斯主義或更基進也更能真的解決問題的社會主義。


In the arena of political economy, most works employ the Right stance to analyze the Enron scandal. Therefore, they focus on the subjects such as corporate governance and legislation reform but don’t inspect the flaws in our modern producing system. This kind of methods, however, neglect the fact that Enron scandal had embodied defects in capitalist system and turned out to be a disaster to social life. In order to avoid this limitation and to get a better realization of the Enron scandal in a more comprehensive social context, this thesis employs a leftist stance. Enron which is locating in the capitalist producing system must reflect the basic attribute of capitalism. Specifically, for the sake of corporation’s existence, Enron have to struggle to earn the profits. When its industry profit cannot satisfy the growth requirement, Enron turn to rely on financial accumulation. But financial investment is a highly risky business; there is no guarantee to get profit from financial investment. When the bad fortune does happen, the existence of company would be at stake. If a corporation faces such a plight, the only way to live longer is to cheat. These transformation stages are exactly what Enron had experienced. And the final ending for Enron is to go bankrupt. In order to avoid this disastrous pattern of economic development, the available alternative might be bring the Keynesian economics back in; or, in a leftist point of view, a more radical way of doing this is to totally change the producing system from capitalism to socialism, which would produce according to need without breaking the economic equilibrium. Then the goal of creating a stable social order can be achieved.


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