  • 學位論文


Military Landscapes and Border Identities: An Anthropological Case Study of Shuang-Kou Village in Lieyu Island

指導教授 : 胡家瑜


1949以來,金門以兩「國」之間的「邊陲」戰地聞名遐邇,並以反共前哨/堡壘的標記「捍衛」台灣半個世紀有餘。金門人的「堅貞」與國軍的「悍勇」,自解嚴後口述歷史如雨後春筍一般的蓬勃出版,更為那一段「艱苦抗共」、「毋忘在莒」的政治情操背書,以台澎金馬為一個生命共同體的論述於焉齊全。然而筆者在烈嶼田野地上卻感受到這樣的刻板印象只把金門停留在基於「國家領土」界線的政治論述,忽略了金門人的生活因不同勢力與政治考量在不同時期介入金門,對於跨越邊界有其悠久的歷史實踐,其邊界不同形式與力量的封鎖或開放,並且深刻影響到當地人對於地景的感受及認同流動。 本文主要透過金門離島烈嶼上的小漁村「雙口」為主要田野地,一方面從歷史文獻中整理金門成為戰地邊境的空間脈絡,另一部份則過雙口村居民的沿海軍事地景與戰地生活回憶交織,以其作為一個「戰鬥村/匪諜村」的建構過程,討論為了維持邊界警戒的敵我關係,邊界上軍事地景的建立對當地人達成何種規範效果、記憶錯置,與生活變化;而地景主動或被動的瓦解、與崩壞如何反饋地影響述說。 這篇論文期以透過雙口村防禦工事的建構過程討論作為軍事空間的邊陲地區,如何透過地景塑造「認同感」,並且挑戰對於邊界所影射的國家認同與忠貞,瞭解當今金門人的自我認識與訴求如何在空間與邊界上移動與發展。


烈嶼 認同 地景 跨越疆界 戰地記憶 邊陲


Kinmen, better known as Quemoy to the West, was at the forefront in the standoff between communism and the free world since 1950s. A strong sense of boundary prevailed in the discourse of Kinmen's recent history. This discourse is still evident after 1992 when the martial law ended and cross-strait communication resumed. People of Kinmen are portrayed as loyal and brave in the fighting against the communists. However, this stereotypical view does not do justice to the daily living of the people, even during time of great tension. How they lived their lives in the "war zone" do not always correspond to the official, and the commercial version. This article examines the village of "Shuang-Kou" in Lieyu, an off-shore island of Kinmen. Shuang-Kou was designated as a "combat village" since1949, also described as a ‘spy village’ by the rumors. By using materials collected from the memories of the villagers about the military landscape along the coast and their daily life, this paper discusses why and what happened to Kinmen as a sort of "frontier society," and how the border landscape was constructed in order to maintain the tension of the boundary. My finding shows, rather than clear-cut rigidity, the border identities in the "combat village" is actually porous.


identity Lieyu landscape cross boundary warfare memory border region


2007 界線、認同和忠實性:進香,一個客家地方社群理解和認知他者的社會過程. 臺灣人類學刊 5(1):109-153.
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