  • 學位論文


A study on the status of correction power of Control Yuan and its jurisdiction over local governments

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


監察院為國家最高監察機關,主要行使糾舉、彈劾與審計之監察職權,而糾正案之提出,旨在促請行政機關注意改善,但在實務運作上,糾正案比彈劾案高出很多,是合理現象?是監察權之本職? 而且對於地方政府提出之糾正案,比對中央(或省)所提出者為多,績效如何?糾正權及於地方政府,在自治事項與委辦事項之影響? 本論文就學界對於糾正權可否及於地方政府之見解,佐以案例作評釋,並就憲法、監察法、地方制度等相關規定,探討糾正權對於地方政府委辦事項、自治事項之影響。 而研究之目的:希望對現行糾正權運作之效力,糾正對象之適格,與其他監察權互為運作之績效,輔助健全地方自治等方向有所助益,再論及糾正權與西方監察使職權之異同及其優劣。並探糾正權之行使對自治事項與委辦事項之意義,最後提出研究發現與建議略進綿薄。


The Control Yuan is the supreme supervision agency in the country, exercising the powers of censure, impeachment and audit. The purpose of proposing corrective measures is to force administrative agencies focusing on the matters and making appropriate improvements. However, the case numbers of proposing corrective measures are much larger than those of impeachment in practice. Is this a reasonable phenomenon or just a main function of control powers? Moreover, the cases of corrective measures against local governments are more than those against central (provincial) governments. How is the performance of corrective measures? What is their influence on self-government matters and commissioned matters of local governments? This study reviews the academic opinions and case studies on whether or not the Control Yuan may propose corrective measures to local governments. It also discusses the influence of corrective measures on commissioned matters and self-government matters of local governments according to related articles of the Constitution, the Control Act and the Local Government Act. The study is aiming at promoting sound local self-government by evaluating the performance of proposing corrective measures, the applicability of targets corrected and the interaction with other supervision authorities. It further identifies similarities and dissimilarities between correction power of Control Yuan and functions of western ombudsman. In addition, the study also compares advantages and disadvantages of the above two functions and points out the effect of correction power on self-government matters and commissioned matters. It then concludes by study results and reviews for future reference.


