  • 學位論文


The Research into the International Treaties and Cross-Strait Agreements Review Process in the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan Parliament)

指導教授 : 陳明通


本研究旨在以立法院過去有關審議「條約案」、「行政命令」等相關法理討論及各國國會審議國際條約及行政協定之規範為基礎,釐清與比較我國立法院審議「國際條約」及「兩岸協議」之國會審議程序,研究現行的制度產生何種問題及困境,並進而提出國會「實質監督」國際條約及兩岸協議之機制改善建議,作為後續行政、立法機關的締約程序、審議制度設計之參考,以求建立可長可久的國會監督機制,在未來國際及兩岸談判上,拉大談判縱深,增加一個台灣的安全閥。 全文分為六章:第一章緒論,分別說明研究緣起、研究目的、問題陳述、研究途徑、研究方法、研究架構、研究範圍與研究限制。第二章文獻探討,則就國際條約與兩岸協議的概念、條約法公約之理論、國際法地位及國內法效力、民主國家國會對條約案之監督機制等理論逐一說明,第三章至第四章則以法制研究途徑,並輔以案例分析(個案研究)方法,分別就國際條約與兩岸協議的法規認定,國際條約與兩岸協議之締結流程,及在國會之審議程序及過程加以研究。第五章進行國際條約與兩岸協議之國會審議程序比較分析,藉以呈現兩者因法制制度不一致,所衍生的審議程序問題與爭議。第六章結論,首先以回應研究命題的方式,歸納本研究的發現。其次,就政策面提出建議:儘速成立「立法院兩岸事務小組」作為使國會可事前參與、事後審查,達到「實質監督」又立即可行之政策建議;制定「條約締結法」與「臺灣與中國締結協議處理條例」、「兩岸協議」審議程序應再次申請釋憲,則作為解決制度缺失之中長期建議。 本研究的主要觀點如下: 第一,因大法官會議釋字第329號解釋,針對「兩岸協議是否適用條約」之未予解釋,進而導致國際條約與兩岸協議產生截然不同之兩套審議制度,形成一個國會、相同性質議案、兩套審議程序之混亂、矛盾現象及監督功能不佳之問題。 第二,國際條約之國會審議程序仍相較於兩岸協議之程序完整、多元,監督機制及功能較佳。 第三,兩岸協議之審議法制付之闕如,程序爭議不斷,仍延燒至今,造成馬政府上台後所簽署的各項協議均未完成立法院審議程序,即以協議中自訂之7日至60日不等之自動生效期自動生效,或審查後發生法律未修正通過,而嗣後無法履行部分已生效協議之狀況。立法院在監督兩岸簽署之協議完全失去監督能量,僅僅是為行政院簽署協議進行背書。


Based on the legal principle discussion of experience of reviewing treaty bills and administrative orders in the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan’s parliament), as well as the regulations of reviewing international treaties and administrative agreements in other parliaments, this thesis aims to clarify and compare the parliamentary review process of international treaties with that of cross-strait agreements in the Yuan. This thesis also has done research into the problems and dilemmas having been occurring with current review system and then raises suggestions to improve the mechanism of parliamentary “substantive supervision” toward international treaties and cross-strait agreements, so as to be the reference for devising a treaty making process and review system of the executive and legislative branches. The above study could help to establish a long-term parliamentary supervisory mechanism which will maximize benefits and set up a safety valve for Taiwan in international and cross-strait negotiations in the future. This thesis is comprised of six chapters. Chapter One is the introduction which includes the research motivation and purpose, problem statement, as well as the research approaches, methods, framework, scope and limitations. Chapter Two is literature review that illustrates the concept of international treaties and cross-strait agreements, the theory of Convention on the Law of Treaties, the status of international law and effect of domestic law, the supervisory mechanism of democratic parliaments toward treaty bills, etc. In Chapters Three and Four, I employ legal approach and method of case study to research the affirmation in laws and regulations, the concluding process, and the parliamentary review process of international treaties and cross-strait agreements. Chapter five compares the parliamentary review process of international treaties with that of cross-strait agreements, so that the problems and disputes of review process arise with the inconsistent legal systems between the foregoing treaties and agreements. Chapter six is the conclusion which firstly sums up findings from the study by means of response to proposition, and secondly raises suggestions on policy dimension: to set up the “Legislative Yuan Cross-strait Affairs Committee” as soon as possible in order to enable the Yuan to participate in the concluding process first and review the treaty or agreement later, so as to achieve the “substantive supervision” and immediately feasible policy suggestions; to legislate the “Treaty-making Law ” and the “Regulations on Taiwan-China Agreement-making Process,” as well as to re-apply constitutional interpretation for the review process of “Cross-strait Agreements,” so that the aforesaid could be long-term suggestions to solve the systemic defects. The main findings in this thesis are as follows. First, “Whether the Cross-strait Agreement can be applied to a treaty” is not interpreted in the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 329, that results in two review systems for international treaties and cross-strait agreements, as well as the chaos and contradiction of similar bills and two review processes in a parliament, and the problem of poor supervisory function. Second, the parliamentary review process of international treaties is more integral and pluralistic than that of cross-strait agreements. Besides, the supervisory mechanism and function of the former is better. Third, there is no legal system of reviewing cross-strait agreements whose process is arguable continuously, so that all agreements signed by the Ma Ying-jeou government do not have complete parliamentary review process. For instance, some agreements stipulate a clause of automatic entry into effect after 7 days to 60 days from signing it, some have the problem of part items of an effective agreement being unenforceable after the review but the law amendments are not approved. The Legislative Yuan lacks the supervisory capacity completely over cross-strait agreements; that is, it merely endorses the agreements signed by the Executive Yuan.




