  • 學位論文


Rethinking Governmentality and Everyday Practices: The Boundry Work between Lo-Sheng Sanatorium and Hsin-Chuang City

指導教授 : 黃宗儀


情感在西方知識脈絡中,被視為理性的對立與威脅,長久來在知識生產過程中遭到排除。過去被抨擊猶如「情感的貧瘠地帶,僅受理性的準則管理,並依據政治、經濟、技術邏輯劃界 (Bondi, Davisson, and Smith , 2005: 1)」的地理學,受人本主義與女性主義對知識生產的批判,形成一股情感轉向(emotional turn),開啟了空間學門對於情感議題的探討,其認識論與方法論提供了新的角度,幫助我們重新理解物質與非物質交織而成的城市空間。   本文以樂生保存運動作為案例研究,關注樂生保存/新莊發展的對立語境之形構,從樂生(院民)與迴龍(居民)的劃界(boundary)歷史系譜中,指出不同階段國家和都市治理術 (governmentality),如何通過不同的政治理性(political rationalities)與治理技術(governmental technologies),在日常生活與威權體制間連結精細的權力毛細網絡,形塑不同群體之認同政治。其次,再透過日常生活跨界(transgression)實踐(practices)系譜,指出不同治理術在引動、共振之中,產生新一波的治理術,又如何在權衡循環與消解之中,產生權力的裂縫 (disjunctions),讓另類運動與新主體的形塑成為可能。 本文以迴龍地區為田野區域,以參與觀察、深度訪談與文本分析,作為主要研究方法。深度訪談分析中,援引William Connolly與Judith Bulter情感地理(geography of affect)分析工具,指出象徵、規訓與戰略(tactics)之間的交互運作,通過標示受訪者之內在記錄 (visceral of registers),揭露每個論述、主體之展演,以及新生成(new becoming)的可能。迴龍作為新莊、桃園、樹林行政交界地帶,其破碎而分割的都市邊陲特質,在新一波都市再發展趨勢下,成為發展與欲望運作的極致戰場;樂生療養院,作為國家現代性與公衛淨化治理下所產生的隔離空間,是日據時期生物政治(bio-politics)運作的極致表現,所產生的餘毒在2002年開始的樂生保存運動中,與無用的恐懼(年老病體、不事生產的學生)、發展的欲望(desire for development)共振,成為生產性消滅的主要力量。而保存運動又是如何在治理縫隙中形塑跨越界線(cross-boundary)的共有主體 (communal subjectivity),來達成反抗的實踐。


This paper investigates Lo-Sheng Sanatorium preservation movement as an example to explore the disjuncture between urban entrepreneurialism and urbanites’ everyday life so as to tease out some implicit logic and ideology of urban governance. Established in 1930s by the Japanese colonial government, Lo-Sheng sanatorium, located in Huei-Lung area, Hsin-Chuang City, Taipei County, is an institution of life-long imprisonment and compulsory quarantine for leprosy patients. The physical distance of this institution, and associated psychological boundaries therewith, are well-maintained until 1994, when the mega urban development plans of Hsin Chuang City demanded demolition of Lo-Sheng for the construction of its MRT line in its place. This urban project gives rise to severe struggles between agents of the neo-liberal governance that prioritize development and participants of Lo-Sheng sanatorium preservation movement that aim to speak for the residents of Lo-Sheng. It is in this context that we attempt to theorize the tug-of-war with a critical geographical perspective. We will analyze how governmentality in the neo-liberal context works by mobilizing both a desire for development (MRT and mega-urban projects) and a fear of the useless (the sanatorium and the diseased, aged bodies) so as to create an impression of “social consensus” of the locals opposing the preservation of Lo-sheng. Here how media and local politicians appropriate the bio-political rhetoric of governing the diseased population to justify the developmental project will be closely examined. At the same time, this paper seeks to bring to light how the neo-liberal governance destroys the vibrant informal economy of between the locals and the sanatorium occupants. Theorizing Lo-sheng Sanatorium preservation movement, we hope to pinpoint problems with the strategies and rhetoric of urban governmentality and its impact on local people’s everyday life.


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