  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship of Landscape Structure and Bird Community among the Seasons in Mei-Feng Area

指導教授 : 張俊彥


探究景觀與物種間關係與其在時間軸上之變遷,不僅是景觀生態學的研究重點,更在景觀規劃設計的應用上提供重要的資訊。本研究以(一)整體景觀、(二)景觀結構、(三) 林地內木本植物的四種物候型態、(四) 鳥類群聚及(五)景觀結構與鳥類群聚之關係等五個層面,探討這五項在四季間之差異。 本研究於台灣大學梅峰農場設定25個樣區,自民國98年5月至99年4月逐月進行鳥類調查,同月利用即時性高與解析度高之低空影像做為景觀結構資料來源。影像處理軟體使用ArcGIS 9.2、ERDAS IMAGINE 9.3、eCognition 4.0等軟體將景觀影像轉為可量化之數位資料,分析方法以單因子多變項變異數分析探討自變項於四季間之差異,另以斯皮爾曼等級相關分析方法探討四季中景觀結構與鳥類群聚之關係。季節以春季(3~5月)、夏季(6~8月)、秋季(9~11月)及冬季(12~2月)定義。歸納主要結論如下: 一、 四季間,景觀結構與鳥類群聚有不同的相互依存關係,其中以耕地、草荒地、道路、人工地盤、落葉木本以及綠葉木本等土地使用類別(LCTs)在四季中對鳥類較有影響。 二、 在山地農場類型之景觀中,鳥類於冬季對景觀結構較敏感,而春、夏、秋三季相對之下則對鳥類較無影響。因此以山地農場為基地之景觀生態研究,若有時間及預算之考量,可將季節分為兩季進行調查研究。 三、 景觀結構較使用景觀內容物探討四季變化能有更詳盡的解釋,而使用細緻且符合研究目的的LCTs分類,更可清楚了解景觀之四季變化,以及景觀與物種關係的四季變化。


Studying the temporal change of the relationship between landscape and species is not only an emphasis in landscape ecology studies, but a important information for landscape designing and planning. This study used 5 parts to figure out their seasonal changes: (a) landscape, (b) landscape structure, (c) trees who have seasonal phenology changes in woodland, (d) bird community, and (e) the relationship between landscape structure and bird community. There are 25 samples in Mei-Feng farm. This study serveyed bird data monthly from may 2009 to April 2010, and acquired landscape images by low-attitude aerial photography at the same time. We used ArcGIS 9.2, ERDAS IMAGINE 9.3, eCognition 4.0 to change landscape image to digital data, and used MANOVA and Spearman rank-order correlation to analyze data. The definition of season is spring (Mar.-May), summer(Jun.-Aug.), autumn(Sep.-Nov), and winter(Dec.-Feb.). The conclusion is: 1. There are different relationship situation between landscape structure and bird community among 4 seasons, specially, LCTs which are crop, grass, road, building, leaf-fall, and full leaf can effect bird community the more in each seasons. 2. In the mountain farmland area, birds are more sensitive to landscape structure in winter then in other seasons. Consequently, if a study in this kind of area are lacking of budget or time, seasons can be separated as winter and not-winter to save money and time. 3. Using landscape structure to discuss landscape seasonal changes represents more particular than using landscape which only describe by area of LCTs. In addition, classifying LCTs more particular and more suitable to the research purpose can make the results more explainable.


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