  • 學位論文


Sex, Commodity, and Signs: Rethinking Sex Industry Issues in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳妙芬


摘要 本文試圖重新理解女性主義觀點下的台灣性產業爭議。本文認為,一直以來婦運團體對於此議題的論辯除了由於立場上的對立外,還是出於理解上的矛盾,可分為現象詮釋與政策想像兩個層面。對於前者,首先本文嘗試突破過去對於性產業結構與性工作者主體的本質上探討,以精神分析式的非整全性主體觀為基本出發,說明性買賣中主體間的符號互動關係,主張以主體位置的情境條件,而非主體本身,作為評價與思考性交易的焦點。接著透過性工作者的性/別象徵位置,而非性交易的行為本身,看待性工作污名,思考去汙名的策略。並且將議題置入(後)現代商品化脈絡,思考性商品是否能成為符號流動、打破象徵霸權的契機,抑或削弱抵抗意識的假象,藉此將性產業政策導向一個更具複雜性的文化溝通面向。對於後者,本文認為性交易合法與否不應為討論的終點,而應該是討論的起點。就具體的政策方向,本文基於前述主體與文化的互動觀點,主張應該跳脫針對行為進行管制規範的路線,而思考法律政策如何為性勞動者打造良好的交易環境,以及使之能對抗父權文化的支持系統。最後並藉由提出憲法位階的「性權」,使得多元互動的性文化與性展演,都能透過個人的權利保障進入到憲法的討論之中,也藉此作為解決性工作者邊緣地位的根本良方。


Abstract This dissertation is an attempt on rethinking controversies over sex industry in Taiwan. The persisting debate among feminists stemmed not only from their opposing positions, but also from paradoxes in understanding both factual and policy aspects of this issue. Traditional discourses on this issue tended to essentialize sex-trade phenomenon and trading subjects, by either over presuming a fixated gender structure or liberated individuals. As to policy aspect, the ultimate goal for arguing the legality of sex-work seemed to dictate all debating efforts, whereas this legal dichotomy only caused insufficient discussions on all relevant issues. Therefore, the concept of Lacanian subject is introduced to imagine a more dynamic relation between subject and culture, in which the disintegrated subject situates its imaginary self. By this, the problematic focus is shifted from the inquired subject to the inquired ‘subject position’. In view of fluid desire and the subvertible symbol system, this shifting indicates a supporting policy, rather than a disciplinary one, as the proper legal structure for sex-workers. This approach can be helpful for dealing with prostitute stigma, as well as the complications of sex commodification in postmodern society. In conclusion, a constitutional sex-right as a performative, productive and creative right is suggested.


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