  • 學位論文


Developing the Competency Model of Prosecutors in Taiwan─The Convergence of Law and Psychology

指導教授 : 王兆鵬
共同指導教授 : 張裕隆


檢察制度之革新乃司法改革之重點項目,而檢察人力資源的問題,更牽動著整個檢察制度改革之成敗。事實上,人力資源的問題並非僅只是數量上的增加便得以解決,一個優秀檢察官應該具有什麼樣的條件,更是吾人所不容忽視的議題。有鑑於過往研究的侷限性,本論文試圖引進工商心理學的理論,以期在觀點上加以整合,並運用實證研究的方式,在方法上提供不同之創新思維。 本論文首先藉由工商心理學的人力資源系統觀,回顧既有的法學文獻,進而提出:「檢察官與法官具有不同的工作條件需求」、「甄選、訓練與績效考核乃一連串之人事制度歷程」、「檢察官之條件需求並不僅限於道德倫理以及法律專業」、「改造檢察官人事制度之前提乃探索其條件需求」等觀點。為因應這樣的侷限與展望,本論文進而提出「才能模式」的理論模式,這個起源於心理學家McClelland在1973年所提出的整合性概念,是一個強調「個人─工作」相互契合之條件需求,並盛行於當今全球的人力資源管理領域。 此外,為求理論上的驗證,本論文運用實證研究方法,以建構出「我國檢察官之才能模式」,並透過「行為事例晤談法」以及「關鍵事例晤談法」,訪問受訪地檢署優秀的主任檢察官以及檢察官,進而萃取出:「專業職能」、「自我管理」、「檢察官精神」、以及「組織統籌」等四個才能類別,並包含十六個檢察官應有之才能向度。 總之,為因應這樣的才能需求,在未來檢察官人事制度之革新,包括:司法官考試、司法官訓練、法學教育、績效管理與評鑑等,即可藉由本研究之成果得到參考的依據,以提升檢察官之人力品質,進而確保司法之品質與國人之信賴。


It is the innovation of prosecutorial system involved in the formulation of prosecutorial human resource that plays a significant role in the reformation of the judicial system. In fact, not only in terms of increasing the number of members, but also improving the quality of prosecutors we should keep in mind when thinking on the problems of prosecutorial human resource. Furthermore, in consideration of the limitation in past reports, this thesis tries to synthesize not merely the views, but also the approaches between different subjects by introducing the theories and research methods of Industrial and Organization Psychology. First of all, according to the review of existent legal papers by using of the systematic view of human resource, this thesis brings some prospect, among them, considering the different qualification needed between the judges and prosecutors, synthesizing the integral processes of prosecutorial human resource management, and finding the qualification of a prosecutor which includes more than morality and legal knowledge. Consequently, this thesis tries to find the solutions by providing “competency model” which was published in 1973 by a psychologist, McClelland, and has an enormous vogue in the sphere of human resource management nowadays. Besides, this research interviews in the district prosecutors office, extracts the competences, and develops the competency model of prosecutors in Taiwan by BEI (Behavioral-Event Interviews) and CIT (Critical Incident Technique). In brief, according to the competency model, not only the innovation of prosecutorial system which includes selection, training, performance appraisal of prosecutors, and the legal education can be accomplished, but also the quality of judicial system and the belief of nationals will be assured.


prosecutor competence competency model human resource BEI CIT.


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