  • 學位論文


Stationery Retailing Theft Preventive Strategy Study : Case of Chiu Ta Stationery Co., Ltd.

指導教授 : 黃崇興


商品失竊一直是實體零售業一個看的見卻很難根除的問題,為了防範商品在門市的失竊,零售業者使用各種不同的工具與手法,但始終仍是無法杜絕此一問題。而在邁入21世紀.科技先進的時代.零售賣場的失竊仍是一個光靠科技也無法完全解決的問題。 零售業界在針對防竊設備之投資與日俱增,但損耗確未因投資增加而減少。而針對損耗之產生,大多也僅能以事後的作業方能一窺究竟,對於如何降低因失竊而發生的損耗始終未能找出較有效率之方法。 在台灣的文具零售通路,相較於其他零售業者,有著商品品項更繁雜、商品體積更小、賣場陳列空間更擁擠、企業營運模式傳統保守…等,異於其他零售業種之狀況;如同所有零售賣場,文具零售賣場之商品失竊一直是業者普遍了解但無法有效正視的問題。對於隱藏於其中的各項可能的原因,也並未深入探討並加以因應。 本研究針由文具零售通路之特性自環境面、設備面及人員管理面進行分析,同時輔以偷竊行為之相關動因理論研究,進而希望透過此研究之各項研究議題之探討後,提出對文具零售賣場之防竊的有效管理方法,以增加文具零售業之獲利,進而創造出更高的價值。 經由探討過程,除了發現個案公司原有之防竊措施可以能較有效之方式改善外,同時也發現經由內部管理作業之調整,可同步有效將損耗金額降低,同時加強門市服務人員之服務水準。進而創造個案公司的較佳營效。


Theft study in retailing industry had been long gone since the 1st shrinkage showed in retailing reports,it had been a urgent but also difficult to manage issue。With the technique improved from the past few decades,almost every retail stores equipped with the Anti-theft instruments,yet still the shrinkage ratio shows no sign of decline in every stores,on the other hand, the figures keep rising annually。 Stationery retailing used to so traditional in Taiwan,mostly family business oriented,and the industry changed the way it looks since 1st Chiu-Ta stationery opened 2000,in a modern-trade retailing style。There were more of the wholesalers started opened similar type of stores after the 1st pioneer success。 Theft in stores is an issue need to be taken into consideration,yet difficult to solve。RSP (retail selling price) in this industry relatively lower compared to other retailing categories,products mix is also huge & massy,those factors increase the difficulty of managing the theft issue in stationery retailing stores。 Examine the service models in specific definition,combined with the theories of shoplifting intentions。This study analysis the theft prevent by various perspectives of “Environment“、”In store staff managing” 、”Technology” and even “Customers side” to justify what will be the most effective ways of prevent the theft in stationery stores,hereby to come out with solutions for theft prevent in stationery retailing stores。


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