  • 學位論文


Development of Electrode-Assisted Desorption Electrospray Ionization and Its biomedical Applications

指導教授 : 陳仲瑄


大氣壓力游離法這幾年在質譜學領域逐漸的受到重視,因為具有不需樣品前處理的優點。大氣壓力游離法可以直接將大氣中的固體與液體用於質譜分析。在此論文中、我們發展了電極輔助噴灑游離法(EADESI)、它可以直接用於生物樣品的快速分析。EADESI是一種新型的大氣壓力游離法,可以檢測樣本在導體或非導體的樣品盤上。該儀器由三個主要部分:三維移動的樣品盤,高電壓電極,ESI噴霧源。ESI噴霧源以45 °輕靠在電極旁邊。被霧化的溶劑氣體被電極極化後噴灑至樣本上,然後分析物離子化並隨著氣流被引入質譜儀中進行分析。我們的研究結果表明,EADESI的空間解析度可以達到25μm。 EADESI可以對不同的生物樣本有廣泛的線性分析範圍、所以是一個可靠而嶄新的生物樣品分析方法。


Ambient ionization mass spectrometry has recently played an important role in Biological Mass Spectrometry because pre-treatment of samples is not required. It can be used for direct analysis of solid and liquid samples with a simple mass spectrometer. We developed the novel Electrode-Assisted Desorption Electrospray Ionization (EADESI) method for quick biomedical sample analysis. EADESI is a novel ambient ionization method which can be used as detection of samples on nearly any type of substrate. The instrument consists of three major parts: a three-dimensional movable sample plate with ground potential, a high voltage electrode, and a spray source. The spray source and electrode are positioned at about 45° with respect to each other and directly above the sample plate. Solvent nebulized by gas was used as a spray device to spray onto the sample, and then the desorbed analyte ions were introduced into the mass spectrometer. Our results indicated that EADESI can have space resolution of 25 μm. EADESI also has a wide dynamic range for different types of biomedical compounds.


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